Looking for softball player to come play in Europe

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Feb 16, 2014
Warsaw, Poland
Hello girls,

My name is Karolina and I'm a fastpitch softball player for the Polish
National Softball Team and also one of the best Polish club teams - the
Warsaw Diamonds. We Diamonds are looking for international support in the
up-coming season, which starts at the end of April and plays through
September (with a summer break).

So if you play softball, are over 16 years old, and would like to visit
Europe for part or all of our softball season, get in touch with me quickly,
so we can start to arrange your visit. We are looking especially for a
pitcher, but we are also very open to players who play other positions.

As a Warsaw Diamonds player, I can ensure you that you won't be
disappointed. Our team spirit and genuine love for the game is really
special and unique. And of course, we play hard and play well. Lots of fun
and memories are guaranteed!

Talk to me via forum or email: karolinatrzebinska@op.pl for further
information... hope to "read" from you soon :)

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