Another Oregon player transfers

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Jun 8, 2016
From the articles coming out, there’s talk of dress codes and stricter conditions.
She is the coach, they are players. She has to implement what she believes in. If this was the only thing that was going on then they are babies. She isn't saying they are not good enough just that this is the way she wants to run HER program. Now if she is constantly telling them they are not good enough and comparing them to OU that is a different story and I can see why they wouldn't want to be at a place where they don't seem to be wanted.
Mar 13, 2010
None of the girls have gone on the record for specifics but stuff that is being rumoured is they were treated quite badly.

And I think the proof is in he exodus. Nine players (and counting) have chosen to left. Three players would rather sit out the season and risk their college careers than play under. Something they’ve worked their entire lives for.

And it wasn’t her program. It was the teams, along with her and her staff. And it’s pretty much destroyed now.


fastpitch pops
Jun 27, 2017
I'm not sure why everyone here is blaming the new coach. This is totally on White (and Oregon admin) and the first few players that bolted. That caused a waterfall of remaining veteran players that didn't want to play on a rebuilding program for their remaining careers.

BTW, in a Fastpitchnews podcast, the Oregon beat writer for the Ducks was talking about how White had a reputation for being hard on his players while the new coach Lombardi was more laid back. Some others here on this board are suggesting the opposite.

Oregon will be back in a couple years once the current crop of freshman are veterans and backfilled with new classes. But this year is toast.
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Mar 13, 2010
The first few players didn’t bolt straight away. The Oregon AD is on record as confirming all the girls had permission to talk to whoever they wanted early. ALL of them came back.

I think it’s a multitude of issues but in chats everywhere I’ve seen the girls blamed and i think that’s unfair.


fastpitch pops
Jun 27, 2017
I'll add too, you can't convince me that White didn't recruit some of the players through backdoor channels to let them know there were roster spots and money available. What team has 4 roster spots available IN THE FALL.

Per the NCAA press release on the new transfer rule from last summer "Additionally, the proposal adds tampering with a current student-athlete at another school to the list of potential Level 2 violations, considered a significant breach of conduct."

New transfer rule eliminates permission-to-contact process | - The Official Site of the NCAA


fastpitch pops
Jun 27, 2017
They had permission to talk to him though?

You probably know more about that situation than I admittedly could be talking out of my *** a little.

Being a U of Minnesota graduate and follower of their softball team (who's been screwed on occasion by the NCAA), I'm a little sensitive by the weird B.S. put forth by the NCAA in softball. This new transfer rule seems to push even more favoritism to the southern powerhouses and does the opposite of "growing the sport". This rule just makes successful northern and non-power 5 teams effectively just minor leagues from which the powerhouses can the fall the remaining team no ability to recruit to fill the vacated roster spot before the season. When non-historically powerful teams happen to put together a nice roster with players who were overlooked by the powers, and develop those players into top athletes, it sucks that the powerhouses can then swoop in a few weeks before the season and fill a hole in their roster (where they didn't recruit successfully in the first place).
Nov 25, 2012
From the articles coming out, there’s talk of dress codes and stricter conditions.

Which would be fine if ML wasn’t coming into a top program. I can understand why the team would have their noses put out of joint. They’re a top program and someone comes in and changes everything telling them they’re not good enough?

OK is a great program. But ML, while an integral part of the program and its success, didn’t run it. And the girls who went to OK knew what to expect. The Oregon girls went to a different program and then got blindsided. And they all tried to make it work.

I agree and spoke with somebody this morning who has some insight and it appears the article is spot on. Coach Lombardi won championships and learned how to win championships under Coach Gasso. She goes to Oregon and implements what she knows works and wins championships. Girls already there have to drastically change and don't like it. I can understand they didn't sign up for it and were used to a different culture.

At the end of the day (or maybe couple years) Lombardi will recruit the girls that walk in with the understanding of what is expected and Oregon will be just fine.

I personally think they have the coach, the coach has a championship game plan, they just don't have the girls that agree and want to follow it. Or perhaps the remaining girls will buy in and they will build from there.

I see both sides and don't fault anyone and just part of the transition.

I also applaud the girls that have transfered there like Maddie MacGrandle who sees the opportunity to play for a coach who knows how to win and a proven system to win.

Going to be a tough year but they will be fine SOONER than later!
Jun 8, 2016
And it wasn’t her program. It was the teams, along with her and her staff. And it’s pretty much destroyed now.

So I guess she should have gone in and ask the girls how they would like her to run the Oregon softball program. She could have asked the parents, fans and boosters too I guess...
Come on man...
Nov 29, 2009
I'm not sure why everyone here is blaming the new coach. This is totally on White (and Oregon admin) and the first few players that bolted. That caused a waterfall of remaining veteran players that didn't want to play on a rebuilding program for their remaining careers.

BTW, in a Fastpitchnews podcast, the Oregon beat writer for the Ducks was talking about how White had a reputation for being hard on his players while the new coach Lombardi was more laid back. Some others here on this board are suggesting the opposite.

There is a difference between being tough on the players and being a control freak telling them how to dress and what they could and could not do off of the field. At least that's the impression I'm getting from the things I've read.

Again, the most telling indicators are the players who've chosen to sit out rather than play for the new HC. THAT says a lot to me.

I think once the players who've left are done playing the reasons will come out for their departures.

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