What can you do with a hitter with quick hands, a good swing, but can't time a ball up to save her life??

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Oct 13, 2014
South Cali
A lot of good suggestions and advice.. Without video I would be guessing. But I do work a 3 plate drill for timing w all my players/teams. Letting them figure out when they need to start things. Change their plate positions every 3 pitches. This would be during front toss. I have done it against machines as well.
Sep 22, 2021
Sioux Falls, SD
My 11 year old has this creeping in here and there lately...She has super quick and clean hands, but we preach to continue and keep weight back so not dumping over front leg, hold the toe touch and time that heel slam. Let it get deep...A ton of girls get out front and dump weight, or go toe touch and light the fuse on their hands immediately.

Another good thing on front toss is get two plates, one 4 or 5 feet closer than the back one. Swing twice at one, then move to other, swing twice, keep going back and forth. Solid way to force timing adjustments, give a fake pitch here and there and see what her body gets to and have her freeze to see where she's at.
Nov 26, 2010
Frustrated parent here. DD has a good swing, good power, hits lead off due to speed, but cannot time worth crap.

Parents and coaches have suggested things like tennis ball hitting off the bounce etc, but for my DD those things arent helping. I'm almost to the point where I want her to quit playing because she has struggled with this issue now for three years.

Do you guys know of something she can do to fix her timing??
When was the last time she had her vision checked?
Jun 8, 2016
My kid's timing needs work as well..because her mechanics need work ?‍♂️
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Dec 2, 2013
You need to change up her drills. A drill I like to do. Set up 3 plates space about 2 feet apart. Start at the normal plate for 5 pitches. Have her move up to the next plate-5 pitches. Move up to the closest plate-5 pitches. Then move backwards. Make sure to whip the ball in at the same speeds. No wimpy rainbow toss. This will trick her mind and she will have to make the adjustments based on timing the ball's arrival. Give it a try and see what happens.
Dec 2, 2013
All of sudden about a year ago DD says she can't see far away. Well, that would explain your rise in K's last year. She got tested and yes her eyes are not great at seeing distances. The only one in our family that has this issue. Mom and Dad need readers but we can see fine. She only wears her glasses when she is in class (sometimes) and watching TV. She cannot see the scores or stats. I am going to conduct an experiment this summer when she is ready to hit the cages again. Bring the glasses and try hitting with and without. I don't know why she didn't try this past season.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
I'm almost to the point where I want her to quit playing because she has struggled with this issue now for three years.

You want her to quit because you can't stand to see her struggle? Your priorities are in the wrong order. This is her game, not yours.

She is early in slow pitches and late in fast ones. Basically she is guessing

This doesn't sound like a player with a good swing. A good swing includes the ability to adjust timing and be reactive. There also may be a misunderstanding about when her swing process should get started. Without video, everyone is just guessing. My guess is that she is starting her pre-launch process too late.

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