Unsportsmanlike act cause injury/ forfeit

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Jun 24, 2013
Team A’s player committed an unsportsmanlike act that injured a player on Team B. Team A’s player was ejected. Team B did not have enough players to continue the game so the umpire ruled the game a forfeit in Team A’s favor. Team B’s HC went ballistic.

The above situation is in front of the board. The only things that have been decided are that Team B’s HC and the player that committed the unsportsmanlike are going to have a little vacation, length has not been determined yet.

My opinion is that the umpire’s original ruling should be overturned and Team B should win by forfeit.

Anyone have an opinion on the above that they would care to share?

(Go Michigan!)
Mar 13, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
You might get lots of opinions, but there really is only one answer that conforms to the actual playing rules.

If you don't have the minimum number of players on the field, you forfeit. Team B must have been playing shorthanded to begin with if the loss of one player put them under the limit. Maybe coach B should save some of his "ballistics" for his own players who aren't showing up for the games, instead of the umpire who did his job and enforced the rule as written.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Most rulesets require a minimum number of players to start a contest and fewer to continue playing. I have finished more than 1 game with 8 or even 7 players.

What rules were you playing under? Suspect the ump blew this one.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2013
We have a local rule that you must field 9 players, so the umpire made the correct ruling I guess but it does not seem right to me.

BretMan: Yes Team B's coach is going to have a little vacation. Umpire ejected him but I am not sure what that means because the game was over anyways. We have a mandatory suspension the next game but that probably isn’t enough.
May 7, 2008
Bretman, Is their any unsportsman like rule, that could have awarded the game to the team, that was harmed? I often hear about basketball games that could be forfeited, due to the fans.

What on earth did the girl do that was the cause of her ejection? I had a 10 yo that was slapped by another player, as they went to shake hands, this week. My student had hit a home run, off of her.
Jun 24, 2013
I would tell the board that they are setting a dangerous precedent. You should not be able to "assassinate" players from the other team and be able to secure a win. If they let this go then it will soon turn into, whichever team has the most players will win through a war of attrition. They should add something to the ruleset to address a deliberate act of unsportsmanlike conduct causing a team to fall below the minimum number of players.
Nov 26, 2010
It's a slippery slope in either direction. Will we have players crashing into other players with intent to injure so they can win? Will we have players faking injuries to try to get the win? As unfair as it is in this situation call the rules the way they are written. In this case it was a poorly thought out local rule that caused this out come.

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