Travel Ball vs. HS Sports vs. other club sports

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Aug 5, 2022
No good answer to this. We stopped playing travel in all sports except softball when she started HS. Because softball was her college goal we talked to the soccer coach and the basketball coach and explained our situation and priorities and asked their thoughts and rules etc. We were beyond blessed but were fully prepared to make hard choices based on what the scenario would be. We played on a national team so no weekday practices for us for softball so we could schedule her individual work around things. I think we’ve managed pretty well over the years but it’s been a dance for sure.

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DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
Apr 8, 2019
If a girl aspires to play softball in college, missing a softball tournament for a volleyball tournament or any other sporting event is inexcusable. My daughter's former coach had a team with a bunch of girls who also played volleyball, and scheduling was a nightmare because they always had conflicts. Eventually, it came back to bite him when they all chose volleyball over softball and quit his team, leaving his daughter with no team.

Proms, family weddings, homecoming, and other events of that ilk are different stories.
It's interesting that you mentioned prom and homecoming. My daughter used to play for a very successful former player. When a parent asked how they handled those events she stated flatly that she never went to a prom, and playing time is earned. It doesn't mean you'll never see the field if you miss something to go to a dance, but the people who didn't miss it will be rewarded for their hard work and sacrifice.

I'd be interested to hear what you all think of that.


DFP Vendor
Jun 29, 2021
It's interesting that you mentioned prom and homecoming. My daughter used to play for a very successful former player. When a parent asked how they handled those events she stated flatly that she never went to a prom, and playing time is earned. It doesn't mean you'll never see the field if you miss something to go to a dance, but the people who didn't miss it will be rewarded for their hard work and sacrifice.

I'd be interested to hear what you all think of that.
Proms are once-in-a-lifetime events, as are weddings (mostly) and 80th birthday parties.

We had an incident with a Junior Prom conflicting with a playoff game in another district last year. Because of a series of rainouts, the schedule got shuffled around, and that caused a conflict for one team. The team lost their #1 and #2 pitchers, 1B, and starting catcher. Only one Junior went to the game. They got destroyed in a game they probably would have won. The fallout was that the team that won got destroyed in the next game. Section XI, the body in charge of HS sports, should have made some arrangements to move the game, but they stayed steadfast in their decision to maintain the schedule.
Apr 20, 2018
It's up to the coach. My DD misses half the practices and has missed a couple games. She discussed with the coach prior to the start of the season. Hasn't affected her playing time. Not like she's missing games to go to the mall.
But is it fair to the players that never miss. I would have a hard time playing a player that misses half of the practices over a player that is always there.
Apr 20, 2018
It's interesting that you mentioned prom and homecoming. My daughter used to play for a very successful former player. When a parent asked how they handled those events she stated flatly that she never went to a prom, and playing time is earned. It doesn't mean you'll never see the field if you miss something to go to a dance, but the people who didn't miss it will be rewarded for their hard work and sacrifice.

I'd be interested to hear what you all think of that.
So if prom is Saturday night 7 pm, what time is an reasonable exit from the fields. I have seen players that take the whole day off for a prom (nails, hair, makeup) which I find a little excessive.
May 20, 2016
But is it fair to the players that never miss. I would have a hard time playing a player that misses half of the practices over a player that is always there.
Which is your choice, play who you want to play. Thing i hear most from coaches over the years is they want athletes. Not a lot of "fair" in the world so doesn't really factor into the equation for me.

Should play them for their output during games. Not time spent at practice.

edit: and to clarify, i mean if they are playing another sport and out being physical. Not sitting at home because they didn't feel like coming to practice. Then i'd sit them as well.
Last edited:
Jun 8, 2016
I would have a hard time playing a player that misses half of the practices over a player that is always there.
That’s fine as long as you (the parent of a teammate) don’t then complain when the third string catcher has 8 passed balls…?

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