Transfer advice

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Nov 25, 2014
Hi- I'm "officially" new to the form, but I have lurked around from time to time in the past :cool: Hoping the experts can lend some advice....

My DD was fortunate enough to play for a small D1 in Fall 2013-Spring 2014. She had a good Freshman year; started all games (multiple outfield positions and 2nd base), hit a decent 372 in conference play.... but the school was not a fit, she was not happy and she decided to leave. She was granted her release and she decided to enroll in another school this Fall (not playing ball). This would also give her the opportunity to rehab some injuries and get ready for Fall 2015.

My DD has confirmed that she still loves the game, and she would like to play ball again. She is now learning that it is very hard to make contact with coaches. She has started the letter writing again, but is getting the standard "we are full" responses (understandable). Since she just turned 19 she can't play travel ball, so options for exposure are difficult.

I told her I would try to help...So the question is, given our situation what options are available? Are there any over 18 teams/ tournaments? How do girls in this situation or even JC players get exposure or transfer? I would think there would be opportunities to showcase transfer players , but I just cant find any. Are there any secrets for finding schools looking for transfer players?

Thanks in advance, Any help is greatly appreciated-
Last edited:
Dec 19, 2012
I don't know where you are, but 23u/18o tournaments do exist. Also, there are college softball teams that have lost a player or two after the first semester. Some freshmen get home sick and leave. The ability to play at the college level is not totally lost.


Feb 20, 2012
Does your DD have a highlight video from her freshman year? Skills video? I would get her to identify her top choices and aggressively contact the coaches. If finances allow, walking on to a softball team is also an option. She could earn a scholarship with two years left to play. There are some college age (23U) Summer fastpitch leagues that may offer some exposure. College coaches talk amongst themselves, so finding a college coach willing to be an advocate would help. Good luck!


Nov 25, 2014

My support is always school first. The decision to switch schools to play ball is solely my DD's.

No Video but detailed stats are available on the school/ conference website so this is something she can and has referenced.

She has several schools targeted, but right now coaches are saying how there rosters are full , which again I understand. We are looking for that opportunity where the school wasn't a fit / homesick and girls leave the team, but this is so unpredictable. My DD's goal is to aggressively contact schools she is interested in and keep in touch, looking for an opportunity.

If anyone has additional ideas please let me know-

thanks again.
Oct 19, 2009
Many of the colleges had try outs I know some D1 colleges that sign players from their try outs. Check out different colleges web sights to see if they have a try out date and participate in the try out, you never know.
Aug 23, 2010
She needs to find the right school and then go to try outs. She can certainly email the coach prior to. I would really make sure she finds the school she wants to attend and not the school she thinks she can play for.


Nov 25, 2014
Thanks again for the help-

Is she hoping to get some scholarship money or would that just be icing on the cake?.

About 1/2 of expenses are currently paid with In state scholarship and transfer scholarship. Anything else would be a nice to have. Without additional support out of state could turn this equation ugly quickly though!

The best gossip on who is leaving where or what team is weak or full in certain positions is the ultimate college softball forum. But stay away from their political forum!.

Thanks for the tip- Ill take a look.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
My DD played for a juco before transferring to a D1 school.

How do girls in this situation or even JC players get exposure or transfer?

You are still thinking like she was in HS. Since she is not in HS and no longer with a college team. There are no rules about how and when your DD can contact teams.

If your DD truly wants to play, then she has to start "selling" herself to the schools. She has to make contact with several coaches and try to find a fit. To a large extent, your DD is a "known" quantity since she was successful playing D1 ball.

It is simply a question of finding a team that needs your DD. The only way to find that out is to call coaches and see if they need her.

It is like finding a regular job. You have to keep sending out resumes and making phone calls until someone gets interested.

but an immature and unprofessional coach that crossed several lines left her no choice.

Whether this is true or not, don't say this to prospective coaches. It makes your DD sound like a whiner. Simply say, "The school wasn't a fit."
Sep 18, 2011
Whether this is true or not, don't say this to prospective coaches. It makes your DD sound like a whiner. Simply say, "The school wasn't a fit."

Very good advice. I saw OP's post on the ultimate college forum and I would strongly encourage him to edit his post and remove the "immature and unprofessional coach" language if he hasn't already done so.

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