some people need some real issues to deal with

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May 6, 2015
wish our league would do that (just assign numbers based on size/availability), but they get new jerseys every year, with names and numbers, and sponsors on the front.

can't move her really, would unbalance the division we have a team of 11, and two teams of 10, I am at 10). and league would then still have to buy new jersey.

just venting mostly and making certain (at least regarding this issue) I am not the insane one ;). Dad knows I have nothing to do with schedule, but I did say I would prefer not to play on Sat.

It is easy to say do not surrender Saturday to soccer, but reality is in this area the softball side of LL at least would probably lose. boys would be fine, as boys travel soccer play son Sun, but girls play on Sat. My own DD plays both, mostly because when we let her tryout last fall and sign on to a team, we did not realize it was a fall and spring league (one we are actually closer to separates the two, but she did not try out, and coach would not add her), new teams assembled each spring and fall, so you do not have to play both). I do hate it that all the sports are trying to make kids pick one so early. I tell my girls that they should try to do as many different sports as possible (softball, swim, soccer, field hockey, basketball), but we try to limit it to one at a time (always some overlap though). I feel it is more the trainers, academies, etc. that really push the year round training in one sport, to try to up their bottom lines, not what is good for the kids. Most college coaches even say most of the best players still were playing multiple sports in HS. less overuse injuries, better overall fitness, quickness, strength, etc. Pediatricians will tell you same thing. the ones pushing this one year focus starting at 8 yrs old are the ones making money off it.
Nov 15, 2013
text stream from one of the mom's of my players, basically accusing me of giving her DD's number to a late sign up to our team (LL softball, 10u, mostly 8s and 9s). In our league, after draft, coach calls his players to advise them of their team, verify uni size and number and spelling of name (this is supposed to all be on registration list given to each coach).

Basically the form I got listed her # preferences as A, B, and C. called this player and left message, when they called me back I was driving, couple of minutes from home. talked with her, she insists she said number B was preference, I recall A, but my memory is spotty (Ask my DW). Anyway, I submit uniform sheet with number A assigned to this girl. Late registration comes in, new girl wants uniform number B. I look at the uni sheet I submitted, see no B, so I text our equipment manager to advise him of the addition, with uni number B. Happens to be this girls played with me the year before, but I had no idea she was signing up until I got text from another BOD member assigning her to my team.

anyway, after one parent texts me asking if her girl got uni number X (cant recall which girl), I send out group text (this is mostly how I communicate with team parents) with list of girls and numbers.

Well this weekend the mom texts me about 6 times asking why her girls number got given to another girl. Says it is "special" for them (girl is 8). basically, by tone of all the texts, insinuation is that I switched when this other girl registered. without coming out and saying it, she seems to think I can/should switch the numbers (meanwhile, unis are done and in bag on my kitchen table).

then, when I send schedule out, dad emails me, he is upset, only one Sat game (OD). says he signed his girl up for town ball specifically because town ball is supposed to be Sat, this is how it has been. he works weeknights, cannot make weeknight games. that the boys all have Sate games every week. I explain to him that a) boys can all play in house, no interleague, so they are freer to set schedule b) consensus among softball coaches in our league and district is that Sat games are hard, many girls cannot make it. thing is, many girls play dual sports, and travel soccer is popular, and girls (including my DD) in travel soccer play on Sat (boys on Sun). so it is a lot easier for baseball to have Sat games then softball. I sympathize with him, but if we try to make a schedule to accommodate every individual, there would be no games. I will miss at least half of my older DD's games because her home games are the same evenings as the team I coach. and he closes by saying she did not get the number she wanted. we are holding Sat AM for rainouts.

It is entirely possible that on the phone Mom said B, but A was listed first on paperwork. I may have goofed, but it was honest mistake, and they are making it seem like I deliberately took this number from their DD to give to another girl.

not really sure what I am asking, mostly needed to vent a little, but am I crazy, or is this mom (dad subsequently emailed and said he was mainly venting too, he coached one year of coach pitch, I think when he sat back and thought about it he calmed down)? I really feel like saying if she can do a better job, take the training, submit a Vol app and $3 and coach a team. I think a lot of parents have no idea, even at LL/rec level, about all the crap a manager/coach has to deal with, besides just running practice and games.

Parents are crazy at that age. It continues really up through at least second year 12U. Parents of girls who continue past that point seem to be a little calmer.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
An email we got from a TB coach a while back.

If two girls choose the same number, it's best that they figure it out themselves. If I, as the coach, have to help choose then the process becomes sloppy, messy, painful and nobody ends up happy. For example: one year two girls decided they both wanted jersey #21. Neither would budge. I had to enter in and help them decide. The final decision was one girl ended up with #3 and the other ended up #7 and they learned a lesson in factoring, but neither was walked away satisfied with their number.

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