Slingshot changeup

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Jun 12, 2015
I've seen conflicting things on the legality; someone said a full arm circle is allowed whether it's before or after release. DD heard it called a Chinese change up; I have no idea why or if that is in some way politically incorrect (if so, sorry! I have no idea what the origin is).
Dec 8, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Meh, being too harsh here. It could work at the highest levels if it were legal. You could throw it a couple times a game.

There are lots of things done and not done at the highest level; I wouldn't use that as the standard bearer. The job of a NCAA D1 coach is to keep his/her high paying job. Being creative or doing things differently isn't among those things.

Case in point: Every coach in the NFL is a coward and defies logic when it comes down to going for it on 4th and inches (and going for the two point conversion). Ever wonder why that is?


Historically extra point success rates are usually above 97% (most of the time in the 99% range) and 2 point conversions are below 48%. So mathematically, it makes more sense to kick the extra point. It will take a few years of statistical compilation before we can see the true affect of moving the kick back to get an idea of what the new success rate percentage will be (currently it's ~95% for 2016). If it is above 96% then it will continue to make sense to kick the extra point.

4th and inches is still only about a 60-65% conversion rate overall. Doing it in your own zone almost guarantees giving the other team points ~40% of the time. The closer you get to the redzone, the lower your percentage gets (dropping to almost 50%) in the redzone. So you are giving up points ~50% of the time. Doug Pederson in the Eagles/Dallas game this year decided to go for it on 4th down (4th and 2, not inches) instead of kicking a field goal. Funny, the Eagles ended up losing in OT instead of coasting to the victory in regulation.
Jun 19, 2014

Your DD has some talent for pitching.

This pitch has been around for a while. If it is so great a pitch, how come you don't see it thrown in WPF or the World Championships or the NCAA D1?

Here is the deal:

Tricks like this pitch will work great against rec teams. You'll sit in the stands, laugh and have a great time.

When you play a high level team, the batters will kill your DD.

The *ONLY* things that work against high level batters are (1) control, (2) movement, (3) speed and (4) changing speeds. And, those don't work all the time...good hitters hit good pitches.

You are wasting your time and her time playing around with this worthless pitch.

It is hard, boring, repetitive work to become "good" at pitching.
She does the boring repetitive work daily. It is nice to see her cut loose and play around some. Especially considering how serious she is normally. I enjoyed watching how her mind work sometimes. This wasn't something she saw and decided to was after seeing a girl use a sling shot pitch in last tournament when she wanted to try emulating but with adding the circle...This is something she was doing after her normal practice.

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Apr 12, 2015
That is not a slingshot, that is called an eephus pitch. It is 100% illegal is all associations.

A slingshot is basically nothing more than a K pitch, or doing the up together, down together drill.

The pitch your daughter is doing in the video is illegal because she releases the ball then continues the arm circle around and past her hip again.
Jun 22, 2008
Its called an ephus pitch and it is illegal in all rules codes I am aware of. The arm cannot continue to rotate after release.



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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
It is nice to see her cut loose and play around some.

That is different...I assumed you and her was "serious" about learning the pitch. If she is messing around and having fun, then let her. It is fine...

Just don't get consumed by perfecting the pitch.

Another fun one for her to learn is throwing the ball behind her back.
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Love this pitch! I've shown it to several kids and have been trying to get them to throw it in a game. Only one taker so far... I'd love to be there to see the response from the ump or opposing coach!
Jun 22, 2008
Why would you bother showing it to kids or even try to get them to throw it in a game knowing full well it is illegal?

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