SB swing -VS- BB swing

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Oct 12, 2009
Tell MLB they are wrong then

This may work as a cue for some, but it doesn't reflect reality.

Nobody does this.


Well, nobody good.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Randy O sez...
Amazingly, it was EXACTLY what is taught to baseball players.

There was nothing said about level swing and trying to match the plane of the pitch. It was hands down quick to the ball and try to create back spin. No weight shift to the front foot to end with your back toe on the ground. It was load, stay back with head over your back knee against a firm front leg down thru the ball and extend.

Randy O. You'll have to find some good slo-mo video clips of some good major leaguers doing this because that is not what I see at all. There is nobody successful taking hands down quick to the ball like you describe. In demonstations real games NO. You just have to look at their move more carefully in game film and see what conclusion you draw.
Nobody does this.
Good clip Chris. It demonstrates how rarely the chance meeting of ball and bat happen when you bring your hands down quick to the ball.
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May 7, 2008
I have both boys and girls hitting students. I do not teach them any differently. All of them face different pitchers and different distances and have good success. None of them swing down on the ball. Period.

I fight this battle one coach at a time where I live. We have college girls down here who come out after 4 years at any number of D-1 schools and they become instructors. Their word is gospel just from the fact that they played 4 years of D-1 ball. Never mind little Suzy cant hit the ball after a few lessons. Dad and Mom will continue to go just because her instructor attended Whatsamatta U. The old guy whos teaching kids rotational hitting (My lable here in town) doesnt know what he is doing with his instruction.

Well at Whatsamatta U they teach take your hands to the ball and swing down. Their favorite drill is the 2 tee drill with the Tee closest to the net being lower than the one behind it. Their swing plane is non existent and inconsistent. Yet at Whatsamatta U there is no such thing as bad hitting instruction.

Let the results speak for themselves. If your kid is hitting for average, power, is in the top 4 in slugging %, OBP and RBI's your instructor is probably doing something right with her swing. If not she probably attended a hitting camp at Whatsamatta U or Funkyswing acadamey. Or even worse. :rolleyes:

Sep 17, 2009
ITheir favorite drill is the 2 tee drill with the Tee closest to the net being lower than the one behind it. Their swing plane is non existent and inconsistent. Yet at Whatsamatta U there is no such thing as bad hitting instruction.

IUBI...been following hitting discussions on this (and other) sites for a while now. I feel I understand the lower half and a lot of the coil and stretch and separate cues discussed, and I have drills to re-inforce and teach those movements. Strictly on the hand/barrel path, I also think I have a good feel for it (I like Wellphyt's get your hands flat early cue and Tewks barrel to the ball, etc.), but I DON'T have what I feel is a good supply of drills to burn those mechanics in. In fact, I think a lot of the drills I've used or seen in the past to work on swing plane (like the two tee drill you mention) may solve one problem (severe barrel dump) while introducing others...what repetition drills you use to work the swing path specifically? Because I feel you can show it to girls in slow-mo, that's fine, but until they burn it in it's just a thought exercise. TKS!
Oct 12, 2009
In fact, I think a lot of the drills I've used or seen in the past to work on swing plane (like the two tee drill you mention) may solve one problem (severe barrel dump) while introducing others...what repetition drills you use to work the swing path specifically?

I will use a two tee drill to deal with massive uppercuts, but I set it up very differently.

For one thing, the rear, guide tee is lower than the front, target tee. That allows a proper, slight uppercut but not a gigantic uppercut.

Also, keep in mind that a big uppercut can sometimes be a symptom of something else, like bat drag.
Nov 15, 2010
Well, it's obvious that I am in the minority here and that I am not going to change anyone's mind. I'm not trying to. I've already stated that I am not an expert and that I'm sure many of you know a ton more about hitting that I do or will ever know. My only point of reference is a good friend and business partner who is a MLB Hitting Coordinator, my son who was drafted last June, all of his hitting instructors for his minor league team and his off season hitting instructor. And, yes, they all want the kids to have a quick hand path down to the ball (don't get long) and try to create back spin.

I'm sure there are many approaches to hitting a ball. What works well for one may not always work well for another based on body type, athleticism and coordination. Also, there are many things that factor into a quality AB or quality result from an AB. What type of pitch, pitch location, velo, set-up, was the pitch what the batter was looking (got fooled), etc., etc., etc... The examples (slo-mo) videos that are posted on here and most web sites are specifically selected to show what the person posting, is trying to point out. Example: I want a video to show a direct hand path to the ball so I go out and find one of a pitch middle down in the zone and post it. Next, I want a video showing a flat level swing so I go find a video of a pitch up and away and post it... with either one, afterwards I can say "see, look what so and so does. It's exactly what I am trying to show you"...

Again, I am not an expert. The reason I know this is because I don't know how to post a slo-mo video to show my point.

Like I said, what works well for one hitter may not work well for another, but I think I will stick to teaching my daughter what got my son drafted and so many D-1 and drafted players before him who have worked with the same off season instructor he did.

We'll just have to agree, not to agree on this one. But I do, very respectfully, wish you all good luck with what ever type/style of swing you teach your players and students.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
I fight this battle one coach at a time where I live. We have college girls down here who come out after 4 years at any number of D-1 schools and they become instructors. Their word is gospel just from the fact that they played 4 years of D-1 ball. Never mind little Suzy cant hit the ball after a few lessons. Dad and Mom will continue to go just because her instructor attended Whatsamatta U. The old guy whos teaching kids rotational hitting (My lable here in town) doesnt know what he is doing with his instruction.

Well at Whatsamatta U they teach take your hands to the ball and swing down. Their favorite drill is the 2 tee drill with the Tee closest to the net being lower than the one behind it. Their swing plane is non existent and inconsistent. Yet at Whatsamatta U there is no such thing as bad hitting instruction.
I will use a two tee drill to deal with massive uppercuts, but I set it up very differently.

For one thing, the rear, guide tee is lower than the front, target tee. That allows a proper, slight uppercut but not a gigantic uppercut.
Me too and I like this. What I have seen often in game swings with teenage girls are two different issues:

1. bat drag where the rear elbow leads the hands creating barrel dump and an uppercut. Usually resulting the the comment "Great Swing! You're just under it!!"


2. disconnection where the backside stops and the hands and arms continue to extend. Usually this results in the hand and barrel path continuing to move down as the batter reaches for the ball instead of keeping the hands higher and connected and taking the barrel to the ball. The double tee drill with the front tee slightly higher can help with this second problem swing.
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