Roster Call

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Mar 31, 2013
So we played in a tournament today and we did lose the game 6-5. Here is the problem. We use iScore and this was a USSSA tournament. We get a team who has a player that does not appear on the iScore program and is not on the USSSA website roster or the signed roster. I contact the tournament director, show the line up card, tell them the player as written is not on the signed or online roster. The tournament director then states that the team put the players name down wrong, wrote a nick name instead, and that the number was correct. I argued (to no avail) that the name written down was incorrect thus making that an ineligible player and therefore a forefit. I was told that they were going with the number and that it was correct. Thoughts?
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Do you suspect that this was a non-roster player? Or do you believe that this was a roster player who was identified by a nickname?

If it's just a nickname situation, then drop it, imho. You don't want to win that way.
Mar 31, 2013
I don't know all the players on every team. If you put down the wrong name, that is the wrong player, wrong player is an ineligible player, ineligible player is a forfeit. To claim no one has called you on that before is ignorance on the other teams part especially when the game before the umpires told them they needed first and last names in addition to positions.
Oct 22, 2009
If you put down the wrong name, that is the wrong player, wrong player is an ineligible player, ineligible player is a forfeit. To claim no one has called you on that before is ignorance on the other teams part especially when the game before the umpires told them they needed first and last names in addition to positions.

If the number, last name and birth date match, and they have a legitimate birth certificate, give it a break. You are only making yourself look like an a$$.
Mar 13, 2010
So if I'm reading your post correctly.....
When you received the opposing team's lineup card at the start of the game, in your opinion an illegible player was listed on the lineup card; but you waited until after the game was completed (which you lost) to bring it to the TD's attention?
Mar 31, 2013
They put down the wrong name and the tournament director was NOT on sight, it was brought to the attention of his son who was there as acting tournament director. The name was not correct at all. If you put down a last name of Smith and the last name is Jones those are two different names. As it is a USSSA tournament the rule is as follows: Rule 5 section 1 B (First and last name of eligible player takes precedence over jersey number whether incorrect on the lineup card.) After speaking with the tournament director who said if it was a bracket play game he would punish them and said the other coach stated that no one else has called him on it. A, how can you protest a single elimination game, B, when the head of your organization is an area director how do you not know the rules, and C, if they violated the rules they violated the rules. Now that pool play is done it is the difference between a 1 seed and a 2 seed, I'd much rather be the 1.
Mar 31, 2013
Side note, a different team at the same tournament (16U) got caught with an illegal player and had to forfeit.

The (Offending Team) Class A team has been forfieted from the tournament due to using an Ineligible player in the game against the (Team that caught them) on Friday night for not being on their roster prior to participation of the player. Under Article IV Sec 7 & Sec 8 on page 71 of the 12th Edition USSSA Rule book, their team's played game and all scheduled games will be forfeited and they will be placed in last place. Also, to let everyone know, the manager was honest enough to notify me of using an ileligible player.

That was an area director that sent that out.
Jul 9, 2009
What's the significance of this tournament?

I know many tournaments this time of year pick up players are a dime a dozen. Teams/tournament directors don't say anything unless the tournament has some significance.

I know there are a number of way to qualify for USSSA's World Series and *must* win a tournament isn't the only way.

Having said that there are some things USSSA takes fairly seriously. I know I've gotten a personal phone call before after registering a team. It was our town team with 11-14 year olds. Actually, (1) 14u player.

So I registered 14c as we were just wanting the insurance to play in a local league. USSSA called to tell me we had some previously registered A players (12u) and couldn't register C. I told her no problem you can put us where you want but this is just a throw together team and we aren't playing in any USSSA tournaments. Just don't mess up their eligibility off of their "real" team. She finally said fine but she was going to keep in eye on us :) I said no problem we just want the insurance.

If you think this is a ringer they brought in and not a registered member of team and there's any significance to the tournament, run it up the flag pole of the state/national director. Otherwise I wouldn't give it a second thought.

Edit: I see you're in Chicago. It's like wife-swap up there, share a friend. Girls show up on multiple rosters all the time or not at all. When we play USSSA there, we don't even look at rosters, not worth it. You'll run yourself ragged. Just play who the opponent strolls out there.
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