Player fees

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Sep 27, 2015
A few questions...

If you join a team halfway thru the season, do you still normally get charged full fees?

If you leave a team halfway thru the season, is a refund normally given?

My daughter's team has both of these situations come up and parents are wondering how these situations are normally handled. Are uniforms to be returned when the beginning of the season they were included in fees? What about bat bags and helmets that the girls fundraised to earn? Or would the girl leaving the team have to give her uniform, belt, socks, bat bag, and helmet to the new girl joining the team?

Thanks in advance!
Jul 3, 2013
If you leave of your own free will, I would not expect a refund. Nor would I give one.
A player joining mid season should probably have reduced fees, but that varies team to team. It depends on their financial situation.
Bat bags and helmets, imo, should remain property of player unless stated otherwise.
We expect jerseys to be returned. This year we paid for pants and also expect them to be returned at the end of the season. (Not a stock item at any store )

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Dec 31, 2015
For all of our teams the uniforms, bat bags, and helmets were bought with fees so the player keeps them. We did have one team where the coach bought them back to give to the new player. I've never seen a refund given. The closest thing to it was the coach buying back the equipment.
Dec 19, 2012
A few questions...

If you join a team halfway thru the season, do you still normally get charged full fees?

If you leave a team halfway thru the season, is a refund normally given?

My daughter's team has both of these situations come up and parents are wondering how these situations are normally handled. Are uniforms to be returned when the beginning of the season they were included in fees? What about bat bags and helmets that the girls fundraised to earn? Or would the girl leaving the team have to give her uniform, belt, socks, bat bag, and helmet to the new girl joining the team?

Thanks in advance!

It depends. What does the contract state? Please tell me there was a contract that had to be signed by a parent or legal guardian that explains all of these questions in detail. If not, each situation could be different depending on the deal the coach can strike with the leaving families.
Apr 26, 2015
Parents sign a contract at the beginning of the season that states there are no refunds. That said, DD's coach deals with these issues on a case to case basis.
Last year the team had 2 players leave. One was given a refund of 1/2 their fees. One was not given any sort of refund, but not held to pay any unpaid dues.
The new players were assessed a prorated portion of the fees.

This year the coach stated all dues had to be paid in full by Feb 1st. And no refunds would be given. No one has left the team, so I don't think it's been an issue. HC did pick up a new player 3 weeks ago, and she is being charged a prorated fee.

All uniforms, belts, socks and bags are the players property. The coach has offered to buy back uniforms, but no one has ever taken him up on that. We are each allowed to buy the helmet that works best for our DD so those remain player property as well.
Jun 22, 2015
No refunds- I would prorate the fee to not include tournaments already played then divide by initial payment schedule. BUT- all payments that were already made by the rest of the team need to be caught up. So if the team has made 3 payments already that person owes 3 immediately.

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Mar 20, 2014
Tournament fees, uniforms, equipment - all of these are ordered and paid for before the season even starts. So there would be no way to give a refund since that money is already gone.
Jun 12, 2015
When we left our team we got nothing back. I didn't expect anything. Our current coach does give a partial refund if someone leaves, because he doesn't want unhappy people staying and dragging the team down. When we joined the current team after leaving the old team, we had to pay for part of the season, not the entire year's worth.


Feb 20, 2012
If the team fees include uniform costs the player should be allowed to keep them. Refunds have only been given in extenuating circumstances. New players usually pay a reduced team fee based on the number of tournaments already played.
Jul 25, 2015
Pretty much a mix of the same here... The only commitment I ever made when coaching was all of the money would be spent on the players if for some reason we won an entry fee in another tournament or got invited to play a tournament for a reduced fee/free... I never offered a refund and never would...

Picking up a player is usually prorated fees...

DD#2 current team it clearly states in the contract that no refunds will be given and the uniform will be bought back at 1/2 the cost...

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