Pitching Video / Instruction

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Mar 10, 2009
I would highly recommend The Softball Pitching Edge book and DVD by Cheri Kempf. She has also produced an instructional DVD for the Dartfish analysis software that is excellent. Includes an 11 step breadkdown of the fastball, riseball, drop, curve and screw. I've seen her teach numerous times, been to her instructor's training, she is one of, if not the, best IMHO.
May 5, 2008
I, of course, like Bill's stuff too. When my daughter wanted to learn to pitch, I had to go look for something to help me do that. After looking around for a while, I finally decided on Bill's DVD for a number of reasons.

I think it was a great choice and totally agree with the stuff he presents in the DVDs and at clinics.
Aug 4, 2008
Get both of Bill's DVD's. Have been to Four of his clinics and dd has worked with him 3 times and we always walk away with good ideas. Only other person that comes close is Doug Gillis. Visit his web site and blog and you will pick up ideas. The dd got to work with Jenny Finch, but I think I enjoyed it more than she did!
Mar 18, 2009
La Crosse WI
What's interesting about using the 3 videos posted by Mark H is that Finch is throwing a rise, Ueno is throwing a screw, and Cat is throwing a roll-over drop.
If a coach were to use these videos indiscriminately without qualifying what each pitcher was trying to accomplish, he's have a mess on his hands. So the coach's responsibility is to take from the videos only what these studs are doing with the fundamentals (opening up, hip closure, use of the glove arm, etc).
Jul 19, 2008
I was interested in your video. I messaged you to find out when they would be available, as it says backordered on your website, but you read the message and chose to not respond. I take it that you are not itnerested in selling them and dont have time for the average guy who wanted to get one. Would have been nice to at least get a response to let me know whats going on. I will keep on looking...

Of course I am going to be biased in this response, but---
Sarah Pauly (3 Time NPF All Pro) and her Dad (me) have just finished what I believe to be the best training video for basic pitching mechanics. We teamed with Motion Labs Online and did a lot of the video in 300 and 600 Frames per second so you can really see what happens. There is narration, super slow motion, key phrases/words on the screen, and is broken into 14 phases of the pitch. Lots of years of knowledge wrapped up in this video. We have five more in development---all the movement pitches, etc.
The video goes on sale this weekend at the Myrtle Beach Coaches Clinic and then will be offer to the general public.
May 18, 2009
I checked out the Sara Pauly fastpitch clip in slow mo on the website. I love the slow motion. You can really see how her arm and wrist move. Something I think we miss in regular speed.

When will the instructional video be out to the general public?

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