Nutrition Tips for Softball

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Softball fan
Feb 28, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Nutrition Tips for Softball

Sport requirements: Softball combines power and anaerobic capacity. Depending on the requirements of the position you play, you may need to increase strength and power.

Breakfast: Don't skip breakfast, or you'll start your day at a deficit. You will feel sluggish most of the day, which may affect your practice. Your carbohydrate stores will be low, and you will not be able to perform well. Breakfast will boost your metabolism and fuel you throughout the day.

Pre-competition: For pre-competition snacks and meals, choose primarily carbohydrates. A little fat and protein are fine, but high-fat meals do not digest quickly or easily and can leave you feeling sluggish. If you are eating a carbohydrate meal allow three to five hours for a large meal to digest and two to three hours for a smaller meal to digest. You should try to eat two to three servings of foods that each contain about 15 grams of carbohydrates. Eat foods that will digest easily. Eat foods that will digest easily. Nerves may make it more difficult to digest pre-competition meals. Try these foods before practice before eating them prior to competition.

Competition: Drink a carbohydrate fluid-replacement drink between innings. This will ensure that you keep your energy levels up. Try to eat within two hours after competition. This will allow you to refuel your energy sources quickly.

Post-competition and practice: To recover from practice every day, you need to refuel your reserves. Eating high-carbohydrate foods within two hours after practice is the best refueling tactic. Try to eat 0.3 - 0.5 grams of carbohydrates for each pound of your body weight. This is also important to keep you fueled and ready to go on game days.

Drink up: Drinking fluids is extremely important for softball. Drink whenever possible during the game, and really fill up after the game. Drinking water will help you keep your coordination and performance level -- both diminish as you become dehydrated.

· Do not wait until you are thirsty to begin drinking. If you only drink when you are thirsty you will replace just 50 percent to 70 percent of your body's needs.

· Try to drink 4 to 6 ounces of fluids every 15 minutes during exercise to stay well-hydrated.

· For every pound of body weight lost when exercising, drink 2 cups of fluids.

· Avoid beverages containing caffeine -- they may have a diuretic effect, which can lead to dehydration.

· Fluid requirements: Softball players should drink 1 milliliter of fluid per calorie consumed to maintain average fluid levels. For example, with a 3000 calorie diet, drink 3000 milliliters of fluids (30 milliliters = 1 ounce). To calculate into ounces: Divide 3000 milliliters by 30 = 100 ounces of fluids. Hazards: Dehydration is the main hazard to watch for in softball.

Basic Nutritional Guidelines

The goals of nutritional care for athletes are simple and straightforward. For the most part, nutritional care should:

ensure that athletes are properly hydrated during periods of active training and competition.
provide adequate calories to meet growth and development needs, if in youth and adolescent years, and the extra needs of the physical activity
supply nutrients from food
instill sound nutrition principles and practices that will last a lifetime.
The best eating habits for the athlete may be as follows:

Design a meal pattern that fits your daily cycle. Plan to eat several times a day using regularly spaced meals and snacks to help meet caloric and nutrient needs.
Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates (starches). Starchy foods such as pasta, breads, cereals, potatoes, corn, peas and others provide a major energy source to fuel your activities. These foods are also a source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Drink sufficient fluids to stay hydrated during training and competition periods - don't wait until you are thirsty to drink.
Eat a diet that contains a variety of foods from breads and cereals; fruits; vegetables; meat and meat substitutes; and dairy foods. It is your best insurance for getting needed nutrients.
Diet and training work together:

Diet supplies the needed fuel sources and nutrients for physical activity.
Training improves the body's use of fuel and enhances muscle glycogen storage.
Pre-Game Rules

Eat lightly before an athletic competition.
Eat complex carbohydrates, keep protein and fat intakes low since these slow digestion.
Avoid bulky foods. They may stimulate bowel movements. Bulky foods include raw fruits and vegetables, dry beans and peas and popcorn.
Avoid gas-forming foods such as vegetables from the cabbage family and cooked dry beans.
Eat slowly and chew well.
Drink water to be adequately hydrated. One suggestion is to drink 2 cups of cool water 1-2 hours before the event. Follow this by drinking 1 to 2 cups of fluid 15 minutes before the event.
Avoid drastic changes in your normal diet routine immediately prior to competition. Some athletes prefer to use favorite foods which may give them a psychological edge.

Post-Game Rules

Consume carbohydrate-rich foods and beverages as soon as possible after competition. They will replenish glycogen stores quickly and get the athlete back into performance shape. Fruits, juices, high carbohydrate drinks and pop are examples.
Replace fluids that have been lost. For every pound that is lost, drink 2 cups of fluids.
Replace any potassium or sodium that has been lost during competition or training by using foods. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of potassium. Replace sodium by eating salty foods. If activity has exceeded 2 hours and is vigorous, a sports beverage will be helpful.
Return to your normal high carbohydrate diet at your next meal.
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Softball fan
Feb 28, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Part 2

Here is part 2.

This is a list of healthy food to help you increase your calorie intake and fulfill your energy requirement when competing and training intensely. This is not for regular diet but for active people that have energy needs.

Cold Cereal: Choose dense cereals such as – granola, muesli, Grape-Nuts, Wheat Chex – top with nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, banana and other fruits.

Hot Cereal: Cooking with milk adds more calories; mix in powdered milk, peanut butter, walnuts, sunflower seeds, wheat germ or dried fruit.

Fruits: Bananas, pineapples, raisins, dates, dried apricots, and other dried fruits have more calories than water fruits such as grapefruit, melons and plums.

Juices: Apple, cranberry, grape, pineapple, and apricot have more calories than grapefruit, orange and tomato juice.

Milk: boost the calories in milk by adding ¼ cup powdered milk to 1 cup of 2% milk; try Ovaltine, Carnatron Instant Breakfast, Nestle’s Quik and other flavourings; make blender drinks.

Toast: Spread with lots of peanut butter, margarine (nonhydrogenated is best), jam and honey.

Sandwiches: Choose hearty, dense type breads such as rye, pumpernickel, multi-grain, bran and use thick slices; spread with tuna salad, chicken salad, peanut butter and jam, roast beef..

Soups: Choose hearty lentil, split pea, minestrone, and barley soups which are higher in calories than brothy chicken and beef types; when making canned soups, add extra powdered milk and garnish with parmesan cheese and croutons.

Meats: beef, pork and lamb have more calories than chicken or fish but they are also higher in saturated fats. Choose lean cuts, and eat in moderation. Sauté chicken or fish in canola or olive oil and bread toppings to boost calorie content.

Legumes, beans: Lentils, split pea soup, kidney bean chilli, limas, and dried beans are high in calories and are also high in proteins and carbohydrates.

Vegetables: Peas, corn, carrots, and beets have more calories than green beans, broccoli, and other watery vegetables; add grated cheese, or slivered almonds to increase calories.

Desserts: Choose desserts with nutritional value, such as: oatmeal-raisin cookies, Fig Newtons, rice pudding, chocolate pudding, stewed fruit compotes, pumpkin pie, carrot cake, banana bread, muffins.

Snacks: Fruit yogurt, cheese and crackers, peanuts, sunflower seeds, almonds, granola, pretzels, English muffins, bagels, muffins, peanut butter and crackers, milk shakes, dried fruit.

This list is only a reference and any healthy food with quality carbohydrates would probably represent a good choice. It is recommended to consult a sport nutritionist if you have specific needs or questions.
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your tips help us better playing game
and i will also try these tips.

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