HS rules for team and parents

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May 14, 2010
I am looking for anyone that has a document they hand out that covers expectations, rules for behavior, etc that they share with team and parents. Anyone have a document they would share with me?
Aug 13, 2013


1. I will make all practices and games. Failure to make a practice/game may lead to not starting/playing a game. If I cannot make a game or a practice, I will call the head coach to let him know. I will discuss it with my coach if I must be absent. He is open to discussing things as sometimes situations are different. (Justified excuses from practices-sickness and religious activities which include attending family religion events).
2. Practices/Scrimmages/Games will occur during Spring Break so if you go on vacation, Rule #1 will be applied.
3. I will be on time for all practices and games. If I have to stay for extra help I will only be excused from being late if I come with a note from the supervising teacher. Being on time lets me warm up properly and helps me be ready for a great practice or game. If you are consistently late for a practice, then you will not be able to be considered to start the next game! If you are going to be late, you must call/text the coach.
4. All cell phones will be turned off during practice and all games!
5. I will listen to the coaches when they are instructing so I, the player, can optimize my learning of the skill being taught.
6. If I am unsure of something, I will ask a coach.
7. I will strive to improve in all aspects of the game and will always do my best.
8. I will always represent Harborfields favorably and demonstrate good sportsmanship and always support my teammates.
9. I will always have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE no matter how the game turns out.


1. I will always have a practice plan in place.
2. I will give as much one to one instruction as possible and as needed.
3. I will always encourage the players.
4. I will also observe the “24 hour rule”.
5. I will not scream or yell at any player but talk to them, on the side, one to one.
6. I will not miss any practice or games.
7. Lastly, please note that the coach is hard of hearing in his left ear which causes him to talk loudly so please realize that I am not yelling. Thanks!

Player Signature___________________________________

Parent Signature_____________________________________

1. Learn proper fundamentals of the game of Softball which include:
a) Fielding
b) Hitting/Slapping/Bunting
c) Situational Defense (what to do when)
d) Throwing
2. Self-Responsibility
3. Improve in all Aspects of the Game
4. Play Hard no Matter What the Score
5. Have Fun at All Times!!
Mar 20, 2014
This was from my DD's 14U travel ball team...

Player Code of Conduct

I, _________________________________ agree to the following guidelines:

□ Maintain a positive attitude toward my teammates, coaches and opponents at all times (includes officials and spectators). Give my teammates and coaches total support and encouragement on and off the field.

□ Have discipline, focus, and 100% effort toward coaches instruction during practice and games. Communicate any negative issues with coaches after practice or game. At no time will this be discussed during a game or in front of the team.

□ Attend ALL scheduled practices. Missing any practice, arriving late, or leaving early will result in less playing time during the following games. Repeated offenses will mean continued less play.

□ Arrive 75 minutes prior to game time to warm-up and stretch. You should be ready to start jogging and warming up with the team at that time, or you will be considered late. Being late without substantial prior notice will result in little or no playing time during that game.

□ Remain attentive and focused on softball during practices and games while in the dugout or on the field. Give positive support to the team. Sulking or pouting in the dugout or on the field will not be tolerated.

□ NO cell phones, texting, iPods or outside distractions will be tolerated. No one will be allowed in the dugouts without permission from the coach (including parents, friends, and siblings). Players are to stay in the dugout during the game, and will not leave the dugout without permission from the coach.

□ Act respectful toward umpires, opposing players, coaches, teammates, and fans at all times. Throwing tantrums, bats, helmets, gloves, etc. (including the use of profanity, rude gestures, or physical aggression) will be NOT BE TOLERATED! Represent yourself, your family, and your team with class.

□ Only players who are current with their fees will be allowed to take part in tournament play unless other arrangements are made.

□ All players will maintain a 2.5 GPA (although, 3.0 GPA or higher would be more desirable) and will not have any D’s or F’s. We will require report cards and or a signed release from your teachers before each tournament during school. This will be a requirement to play.


Apr 23, 2014
East Jabib
I tell each kid my plan, who is going to pitch or play and when in a proactive manner. I tell each their tryout scores, what they need to work on to play, and my rationales for most things. That takes the parent out of things mostly. If you are a polite parent, I talk to you for about a minute. If not, I call security or the principal. If you want to talk longer you have to make an appt with the AD and myself. Typically the AD then does not attend and many times the parent does not either.

Do you limit exchanging pleasantries with parents to 60 seconds or less or is this just related to parents who have an issue with your coaching? I'm concerned your comments are bordering on anti-social behavior.


Feb 20, 2012
Sent you a PM, but not sure how to attach a document to a PM. Send me an email and I will forward the one my DD's high school uses.
Jan 25, 2011
I don't know who that HS coach thinks he is, he had the nerve to tell me that I can't call my dds pitches.
Oct 19, 2009
Here is the player contract I used with my travel team and hand out. :cool:


The amount of playing time each girl receives will be determined by her softball skills, attitude, commitment to the team, participation in team activities and game/tournament situations.

Team members are expected to give 100%, you may not feel good on certain days or you may not be in the best of spirits on a given day, but give 100% of your self that you bring to the ballpark. Losers give 90% winners give 100%. Players are to be alert and ready to react on every play your safety depends on it.

Team members are required to participate in all practice drills directed by coaches, refusal to participate, or arguing about any drill is prohibited. Games may last for more that an hour in very hot and humid conditions, for player safety they must be in shape and accustom to conditions. Any drill a player can not participate in due to a medical problem, a parent or guardian must advise a coach.

When a coach makes a decision in a game team members are to follow coaches instructions. Decisions are made by coaches to give players playing time or to give the team the best chance to be competitive in a game. Coaches must look at the good of the entire team and not the individual player. When a coach makes a decision he or she needs to be thinking about the next play and not explaining his or her reason behind the decision.

Team members will show respect for, be considerate of, and display a positive attitude towards teammates, coaches, umpires, opposing players and parents. Negative comments or rudeness will not be tolerated.

Players will conduct themselves in a proper and well-behaved manner during practice, games and all team functions.

Always control your emotions and display good sportsmanship. No profanity; no throwing equipment; no arguing with teammates, coaches, opponents or umpires.

Participate in all practices, games and team functions unless you have prior approval from a coach to be absent. You are to advise a coach when you can not attend a game or practice.

Be on time for all practices, games and team functions. If you are early you are on time, if you are on time you are late, if you are late you will probably be run.

Always be prepared for a game or practice: have your uniform and equipment with you. Players are required to keep up with equipment, Do not leave any equipment on the field or at the ballpark.

I understand violation of rules may mean disciplinary action that may include running, extra drills, or reduced playing time. Continued violation may mean expulsion from games or the team. Players who do not follow rules maybe excluded from after season activities.

_______________________ _______ ________________________ _______
Player Date Parent or Guardian Date


A key ingredient for any successful team is practice. A successful team will have productive practices, with everyone working hard all the time. While working hard it is imperative to concentrate on doing whatever you are doing correctly. Remember, practice does not make perfect, practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect

Learning to perform a skill such as a new swing or new throwing motion is obtained by a process called muscle memory training. This process is completed by practicing this skill over and over again utilizing the correct motion. Example to teach yourself to spell a word, you spell the word over and over again until you brain learns the correct spelling, same thing with muscle memory training. You must spell the word correctly to learn it; you must practice correctly to teach your muscles the correct swing or throwing motion. To burn the correct motion into your muscle memory you must practice this motion 3,000 times correctly to perfect the motion.
Further, it has been shown that for every time you do something wrong, you have to do it right seventeen (17) times to get your brain oriented to doing it right. Let's do it right the first time!


1. Be at the field, mentally and physically ready to practice, at the scheduled start time. There will be a small time slot to stretch, jog and warm up, so you should do whatever extra personal stretching or warming up you need prior to the beginning of team practice. Keep in mind .......................
If you're early, you're on time ..........
If you're on time, you're late .........
If you're late, you're probably running .........
Great athletes come early and leave late.

2. Bring your gear (bat, glove, sliders, etc) to every practice. Get used to the idea that whenever you practice you need your gear and you need to give 100%. This makes you a better player and makes other players better.

3. Dress warmly, or bring plenty of warm clothes. It can, and frequently does, get cold during practice. Make sure you have the proper clothes and do not get cold.

4. Always hustle. One thing we will work towards is this: if a ball rolls to a stop on the field because no one hustled after it, then everyone should expect to participate in some sort of physical activity.

6. Even in practice always back-up you teammates, you play like you practice so practice to be a winner and to improve you softball skills.

5. Please let a coach know in advance if you will miss a practice.



Pride in your team and teammates. The way you play, look and act, on and off the field.
Everyone is part of the "family". Do things to make the team proud. Don't embarrass the team or yourself.
Older girls encourage and help younger girls as they represent the future of the team.
Everyone is together as a team mixing with everyone else, don't divide the team into small groups.
Whatever team you play on and wherever you go
..... you represent YOUR TEAM.


Teammates encourage each other, even if it is the girl playing in front of you, and especially if someone makes a mistake. The team comes first, before the individual.
Treat opposing players with respect. Don't bad mouth them. If you run over someone, help them back up.
Treat the umpires with respect, realize that they do a difficult job the best they can and that it's better to be on their good side rather than their bad side.
Players play, spectators watch - the two should not mix.
Everyone on the team is equally important with a job to do the best she can. This goes for each starter and each girl on the bench who all work together trying to help the team in whatever way they can.
Girls play the game the same at all times, regardless of the score, situation or opponent. Don't allow the opposition to deter you from your goals or to lower your standards.
Girls play hard and play to win, but win or lose with class. Don't try to embarrass the other team when you beat them or give them extra incentive for the next time.
If you give 100%, and still come up short on the scoreboard, there is nothing to be ashamed of, learn from it and don't make excuses.
Girls will sacrifice themselves for the team - break up double plays, dive for balls, bunt runners over, etc.
No "clubhouse lawyers" - if there are problems they go back to the team captains or coaches but are not discussed behind girls backs which spreads dissension.


Appearance - Team is neatly dressed and looks sharp.
Warm Up - well organized, everything is done together with a purpose.
Infield/Outfield - quick and sharp and snappy.
Hustle - Run on and off the field, whenever a girl is on the field she is running.
Bench - Well organized, equipment arranged neatly and everyone has a job to do. All talk and activity is centered around the game and trying to help out in some way.


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