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Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
3 years ago I started a low level TB Team and we have worked our way up the ladder each year. This past Summer we had a few players move on and we replaced them with what we felt were solid players, possibly better players. NOTE** I say better because of talent, potential ability or strong desire to player ball and learn or all of the above.

Flash forward 9 weeks. After practicing hard and playing two events we have one player who is not up to snuff. She is a decent kid with a good family. However, after a lot of coaching on many different facets of the game she is just not on the same level as all the others. Many times she is just not putting in the effort to be successful. She was one of the top three ranking players at tryouts but since then has been far from this in practices and games. We are a competitive TB team. I would not call us elite but we definitely not lower ranking either. At this point we are looking to get better by coaching players to get better more so than recruiting constantly. However we have to establish a baseline of skill based on where the team is now as opposed to where it was 3 years ago and need players to keep up.

To this point I have only cut players for violating rules (usually because of the parents actions) as opposed to skills or ability. Our next payment is due soon and I am just not sure I can take their money and continue on. I am getting mixed opinions from 3 people I trust. One says I should give her until the end of Fall (November) and re-asses. The other says I should finish the year with her because I chose her. The other says I should cut her immediately. I know we can teach skills but we cannot teach effort. I feel strongly that desire and effort have to come from the player. What would you do? While I have learned a lot over the years I still do not know everything and value others perspectives in situations like these. Thanks in advance. :(

Keep in mind, we have tried all tactics. Personable, one on one interaction; Firm task oriented and lately harder toned and staying on her to hustle. Very little has worked. I feel we are communicating clearly because we took 2 players from Rec Ball who are soaking up the lessons and developing at a fast rate which has given us a good perspective on effort and desire.
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Oct 22, 2009
If you are OK with players leaving for other teams mid-year because your team is not up to snuff, or you have not performed to their standards, then by all means go ahead and cut her. If one the other hand, you are one of those coaches that would whine and complain about a player leaving mid-year and did not fulfill their commitment, then you need to do the right thing and keep her. Commitment and effort go both ways.


Dont' I know you?
Sep 20, 2013
I say give it some time. You are fixing to go into off season. I have had girls on my TB team that I would want to beat my head against the fence trying to explain something to them. Then after some time ,just like magic, the light bulb would come on and they would get it. Make sure she knows where you stand on what you expect from her and what level she needs to be at to stay on the team. Sometimes the fear of being cut will motivate.


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Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
I had a similar situation. I talked to the girl and she told that she didn't want to play softball, but her parents were forcing her. I encouraged her to talk to her parents about whether she should play. She did, and then she quit. (Funny thing, next year she came back and played. She was much more motivated.)

BUT: If she had not quit, I would not have cut her.
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Have a heart to heart with her and then her parents; let them know where she stands with you and with team...be honest and gently direct...I hate giving ultimatums, but you could give her until the end of Fall season to either get motivated or really think about where her drive is. Have you talked to her with her parents listening about what she needs to work on? May need to talk to parents separately (away from dd)...they have have insights to what might be going on.

Does your organization hold Spring tryouts? If so, couldn't this be the opportunity to cut her or say it isn't working out (after giving her time to step up or reflect on where she wants to be)?

Good luck.
May 23, 2012
Eastlake, OH
The other says I should finish the year with her because I chose her.

JMHO. That's your answer right there.
It's true, you picked her, stick with her. Keep coaching her.
Players can find new teams but it's not always just that easy for them.
You can add to your roster if you must.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
I am getting mixed opinions from 3 people I trust. One says I should give her until the end of Fall (November) and re-asses. The other says I should finish the year with her because I chose her. The other says I should cut her immediately.

Not impressed with Coach #3, btw. Don't want to judge based on one thing, but sounds like a coach who makes softball more important than the kids who play it.

As for the girl, IMO, you pick her, you stick with her. That's unless you've made it very clear to parents and players that fall is strictly an evaluation period and that the ''real team'' will be picked in spring.

I would have a frank conversation w/ the parents to express concern that her heart isn't in it and that she's behind and will get further behind if she's not willing to work harder. I would do it with the goal of trying to help her and the team, not with the goal of trying to run her off.

One other thing I would not do is limit playing time strictly for the purpose of running a player off. I wouldn't want to be one of those coaches.
Jun 19, 2013
Wow I'm really sitting here and thinking now. I read the OP and thought well of course you cut her if you've already talked to her multiple times and this gives her time to find a B team and you time to find another player and everyone's season is just that much better. But then I read every single response above and I feel like a heartless person . . . wondering now. I just remember last year dragging along a couple players who continually drug the team down, one specifically, and how disappointing it was to everyone. The girl who was constantly getting told to hustle and work harder, and was on the bench watching everyone else play. The girls who were frustrated when the player struck out continually and killed the rally, and missed the easy pop fly that would have been the 3rd out. The frustration of the season and all the parents were thinking why did we keep her after winter training when we saw what she was really like? And her own parents wondering why she didn't get to play much, and why the other girls didn't really bond with her and her lackluster attitude and effort. But now I'm wondering maybe it's just because of our experience last year and how it was colored by that girl that we might have cut. Maybe it is just selfish on all our part. But I think all we really wanted was a team of girls who all wanted to work hard and work together, who made a normal amount of mistakes but actually cared and tried.

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