getting lower half going

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May 28, 2008
I am haveing a difficult time in getting some kids to use their legs in driving thru the ball vs spinning on their back foot. Is there a device out there or key phrases I should be using. I am having a hard time. I have had them watch video but I can't get them to do it???



Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I will have girls stand on one leg (back leg) waiting for the pitch then step into it as they swing. Teaches them to shift their weight forward from back leg to front as they swing.

Another thing I do, which I know is frowned on, is to hit partially deflated soccer balls off a tee . I do this sparingly. I also will hit oversized softballs (14" or 16"-I don't remember what size) off a tee. They don't go far so you have to really hit them.
Aug 4, 2008
Relate hitting to throwing and have them feel the same motion. If they are spinning or squishing with the back foot. But a concrete block up against the back foot so that they cannot just spin, but must release the back side, just like they throw a ball.
Sep 29, 2008
Northeast Ohio
Try this. Have them set up at the ideal point of contact on a down the middle pitch (head on ball, hips turned, shoulders turned, good back arm position, knee and laces facing pitcher, up on back toe) make sure they can lift the back toe up and down off ground showing that they are not sitting with weight on back foot.

Now just slowly, on plane, rotate back to the launch position. Then slowly back to contact...then back to launch. this may help them get the feel.
Jan 14, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
I see a lot of girls who have been taught that having a negative move is a no-no. They pretty much just stand in the batters box in an athletic position and swing. All the girls that I have seen do this spin the back foot.

You may want to consider working with them on their negative move. I would start by doing some research on rear hip coil/cock. One drill that might help the kids better understand the function of the back hip is to do the following:

Have them stand sideways close to a fence and hold onto the fence with their back hand (RH for a RH batter). Have them put their feet close together and stand on their back foot. Have them try and turn their back foot clockwise (RH batter). The back foot will not turn because the ground is resisting. Instead the front leg will pivot around the back hip socket, which is the feel you are looking for. Once they get comfortable will this movement, have them do it while striding forward with the front leg. Try and get them to keep equal pressure across the entire foot from the ball of the foot to the heel until they reach toe touch. When they reach toe touch their front foot will be closed and maybe even facing slightly inwards. That's phase one.

The next phase is to get them to toe touch with the front foot open approximately 45 degrees. If they have been taught to externally rotate the upper arm as their back elbow slots, the front foot should automatically respond and open up as the back arm externally rotates. It's a natural movement that occurs in the overhand throw. Try it at home. As your thowing arm externally rotates to begin the throw, your front leg will automatically externally rotate (open up) in response. Most people don't give the front leg a second thought when they throw overhand and therefore don't realize they do this.

If the kids really want to sync things up, they should work on internally rotating their back arm (tip the bat head forward some depending on the handset) during the stride.

Rotating the back foot clcokwise (RH batter) during the stride is opposite of what most think the back foot should be doing. Most think the back foot should be turning counter clockwise (RH batter) which is where squish the bug comes in.
Oct 25, 2009
I see a lot of girls who have been taught that having a negative move is a no-no. They pretty much just stand in the batters box in an athletic position and swing. All the girls that I have seen do this spin the back foot.

You may want to consider working with them on their negative move. I would start by doing some research on rear hip coil/cock. One drill that might help the kids better understand the function of the back hip is to do the following:

Have them stand sideways close to a fence and hold onto the fence with their back hand (RH for a RH batter). Have them put their feet close together and stand on their back foot. Have them try and turn their back foot clockwise (RH batter). The back foot will not turn because the ground is resisting. Instead the front leg will pivot around the back hip socket, which is the feel you are looking for. Once they get comfortable will this movement, have them do it while striding forward with the front leg. Try and get them to keep equal pressure across the entire foot from the ball of the foot to the heel until they reach toe touch. When they reach toe touch their front foot will be closed and maybe even facing slightly inwards. That's phase one.

The next phase is to get them to toe touch with the front foot open approximately 45 degrees. If they have been taught to externally rotate the upper arm as their back elbow slots, the front foot should automatically respond and open up as the back arm externally rotates. It's a natural movement that occurs in the overhand throw. Try it at home. As your thowing arm externally rotates to begin the throw, your front leg will automatically externally rotate (open up) in response. Most people don't give the front leg a second thought when they throw overhand and therefore don't realize they do this.

If the kids really want to sync things up, they should work on internally rotating their back arm (tip the bat head forward some depending on the handset) during the stride.

Rotating the back foot clcokwise (RH batter) during the stride is opposite of what most think the back foot should be doing. Most think the back foot should be turning counter clockwise (RH batter) which is where squish the bug comes in.

I agree with most everything except rotating the rear foot clockwise. That feels very awkward and really produces too much resistance to hips.

I agree you should not spin the rear foot. It's more of a push off the pad behind the big toe culminating with the foot coming up on the toe at contact. This would be less for an outside pitch and more on an inside pitch.

I see about as much bad throwing technique as I do hitting technique. So, like Hitter says, get the throwing right first.
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Dec 15, 2009
i was always told as a young kid that when i'm batting i have to pretend there is a nail through me shoe. I can't pick up my foot or move it, except to twist my foot. I think it helped. But i was also really young.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face

We could sit here all day comparing hitting technics. Each one fits a player different. Size, bat speed, power all must be factored.

I teach my DD to torque her whole body from shoulders to hips to legs to feet. BUT, she is a power hitter. And a pull hitter. So that is what works for her. You can't open the hips completely without turning the back foot. Stand up and try it.


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    dead pull..jpg
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Oct 12, 2009
i was always told as a young kid that when i'm batting i have to pretend there is a nail through me shoe. I can't pick up my foot or move it, except to twist my foot. I think it helped. But i was also really young.

This is squishing the bug and it's not what good hitter do.
May 28, 2008
some of kids use the legs and hips but it appears to be at a minimum. I show them the power they get from doing it and they try it and it looks like they get very little. I just need something to teach them the feeling of really driving thru the ball. They look like they are going after it at about 50% of effort even though they tell me they are going 100%.

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