13yo DD in cage - Constructive critism needed.

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Aug 1, 2008
Thanks for the help, but I think you lost me at separation.... :confused:

Can you elaborate more on what you saw?


Hips forward/hands back

Look at the space between hands and back hip going out to toe touch



  • Perfect seperation at the right time.jpg
    Perfect seperation at the right time.jpg
    16.1 KB · Views: 4
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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Thanks Noon Time. Do you see the same issue I see with the front leg/hip? This is what I was trying to point out. Posters DD is doing a "tap back" with the front leg. I will find a gif of a player doing a "tapback" move.
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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Here is the second swing from the youtube clip

Not too bad a gif for a Play-Doh Fun Factory Gif Maker.

Personally I would have editted out the net, sharpened the video, made all the corrections to her swing, added 6 years to the girl, and put an Alabama uniform on her, so she could be her own d1 swing model.

I'm sure you were in a hurry though...maybe next time.:D
Aug 28, 2012
Not too bad a gif for a Play-Doh Fun Factory Gif Maker.

Personally I would have editted out the net, sharpened the video, made all the corrections to her swing, added 6 years to the girl, and put an Alabama uniform on her, so she could be her own d1 swing model.

I'm sure you were in a hurry though...maybe next time.:D

Have to leave some room for improvement in 2013 :)

I read that the front leg action is an intentionally coached "trigger". Without knowing anything about what the coach is going for I pulled this as a comp clip.
A few things to consider:

Look at the Kinsler clip as he toe touches his toe touches forward your DD toe touch is actually backwards to be honest I don't know how she is even able to pull this off. I have seen clips of toe touches like this but it is usually followed by a stride forward. IMO this is the first thing you MUST fix. Even if she is going to put it back in the same place that's better than slightly back with the toe and way back with the heel like she is doing now.

Next is as others have pointed out separation one way you can tell is how bent her front elbow, she is holding the bat a little high but not enough to give you the 90 degree bend as she comes forward. Look at the OSU (just guessing on colors) player she has almost no movement at all backward but her hands start back and separated and even though she has her hands all the way back she can't help herself as the pitch comes she reaches back just a little bit before starting forward. Your DD never really leaves her beginning stance position of a good relaxed downward V.

Again in line with others sequence is key when she toe touches she is swaying backwards look closely at Kinsler as he toe touches forward his upper body (shoulders and hands) is actually all moving backwards.

To sum it all up try this...toe touches slightly forward have her walk back her hands and initiate some kind of tilt/coil/load, then have her start the hips forward while leaving the hands back for just a little bit

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