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  1. aneasy643

    Bunting hand position Sent from my LG-M210 using Tapatalk
  2. aneasy643

    Men's Fastpitch world championship: warning, getting on my soap box!!

    I grew up watching men's fastpitch. I played with girls but couldn't stay away from the men's games. 20 years ago the men's league here was huge. Last year 8 teams and this year only 5. From what I hear it's pitching or lack there of. Sad really.
  3. aneasy643

    Time For A Rule Change!?

    I understand the safety thing. What bothers me when we think the solution is to change the game. It's been played like this for years, we need to teach the kids how to see it and defend it, that's what my coach did.
  4. aneasy643

    New to coaching bases. I need help

    I'm coaching a new team in 12U this year, it amazes me how often I find myself reminding runners not to turn their back to the ball. One thing I've learned is that no matter the level you are coaching never assume the girls know anything. Do everyone a favor and review the simple things.
  5. aneasy643

    where do you go?

    First, I gotta say I value the information I find on dfp. For the most part I'm just a reader but every once in a while I contribute. I know I'm one of many that quietly sit back and enjoy. That being said, other than dfp, what are some of your favorite websites or blogs or anything else you...
  6. aneasy643

    Coaching Bad

    This show was hard to watch at first, took me 3 times to get through it. Once I did however I was able to see some good things too. I believe that some coaches are that bad. Personally I wouldn't have given most of them another chance. The guy that asked the little boy if he was really the...
  7. aneasy643

    Fun practice ideas

    I let my girls play war. It's dodge ball softball style. Split them in half each team on opposite ends of the gym or play space. Gotta have a "line" in the middle on the ground the girls throw the ball it has to hit the ground before the line and bounce over. The fielder has to field it cleanly...
  8. aneasy643

    what to do with "that kid"

    Thanks for the suggestions and stories you all shared. I'll admit some of it was tough to hear. I took some time and truthfully analyzed the situation, which was actually not too tough. I realized that I wasn't doing my job, as mom or coach. It's very hard to admit that the very thing causing...
  9. aneasy643

    is this your dd?

    Fan Share Friday - Dani's Story - Softball is for Girls
  10. aneasy643

    How many of you forgo the bucket?

    My dad caught for me at least 6 days a week for many years. He never even thought of a bucket. No gear and used his trusty Louisville slugger basic fielding glove. Not once did I ever hear a complaint, he did tell about 3 months ago that I broke his finger twice - said he didn't say anything...
  11. aneasy643

    Hats off to bucket moms!!!

    When my oldest dd first began pitching about a year ago I had my brother catch her the first 2 times, not because I couldn't but wanted to take the view from afar to see how she behaved with the new instruction and environment. It costs too much if she didn't take it serious. Week #3 we arrived...
  12. aneasy643

    Bat question.

    I agree that another bat of the same size probably isn't needed. However is your dd done growing? With that in mind she will eventually need a bigger bat right? My dd has a synergy speed (srv4b) 31/21. We as in all dds and my self have a 30/20, 32/22 and a 33/23 of the same bat. I absolutely...
  13. aneasy643

    what to do with "that kid"

    The more I think about it, especially after getting some great advice here, I know I am too critical of her. It kinda sucks to admit that.... I guess I'm the jerk.
  14. aneasy643

    what to do with "that kid"

    Wow... that's just well, wow.
  15. aneasy643

    what to do with "that kid"

    Funny you say that... we can talk softball all day long. She'll ask about everything from specific situational plays, whether or not I wore mismatched socks when I played and most recently she's been very interested in learning to call pitches and why. I've learned to let her ask about the...

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