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Jun 8, 2016
Outside of a slight delay after contact, I doubt she's slowing down at any point. You can pick up the ball and the coach while running full speed. I'm guessing she knew she was going to try to score when she was halfway to second.
Ok..They don't show it so we will never know.

BTW I already posted what you just posted regarding utility in Post 9....My kid is fast but she is no burner (plus she is RH..I f'ed up there)..I have no illusions about that.
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May 28, 2019
A lot of these times are crazy low compared to some of the fastest softball players who play at the highest level (As they always are).

I guess if you time them on first move from a sprint, that would help. Ideally you would start at contact since that's actually showing a useful number.

In this clip of Aliyah Andrews' inside-the-park home run, she goes from contact to foot touching the plate in 11.3 seconds. Spoiler: Most softball players are not as fast as/faster than Aliyah Andrews.

Aliyah Andrews was not booking it to 1st at first contact. She probably started rolling after 3-4 steps when Error made. She is fast as lightning though. I still had her at 11.03 when she made first movement to first. That's still rolling in full gear and wasn't immediately hustling. She's sub 11 all day long.
Jan 20, 2023
My daughter did a camp where CSE took data (it was a local camp - I think they were just practicing for sparkler because it was not in the camp info this was part of it).

She is 13 and ran 12.0 home to home with their laser timers. She said there were 2 or 3 kids in the 11s out of 80 most of whom were on 16 or 18 A or Gold teams. If I pay $100 I can get the report of how she compares to others. But I wasn’t planning on it- since she’s not even in high school for another year.
May 17, 2023
YES! RAD, this is the most I've ever agreed with you.

It's hilarious seeing people talk about how all these 12 year olds post speeds that are as fast as Olympic sprinters. Maybe that unicorn exists, but you're certainly not talking the norm, even for high-level players. Even for fast high-level players.

Hand-timed is almost useless. When we've done hand-timing, we would have two people do it and their readings would sometimes be off by as much as a half-second on home-to-first. That's a huge difference. It also matters if you're just having them sprint or actually measuring functional speed on the bases. I guess if you're comparing two players who were measured the same way, it's useful. But I want to know how fast a person is on the bases in a game, not how fast they can run in a straight line in a gym.

Just a comparison one of ours who did 11.20 (yes it was hand-timed couldn't get them to spring for the lasers) hit an inside park homer in a game. She was just over 12 seconds there. That seems about right to me between a sprint stance knowing you are going H-H vs a live game after a hit.

The same girl just ran a 12.56 100m during track. Definitely not Olympic sprinter but still fast. And girls don't always get faster during HS, quite often the opposite. Our org fastest ever H-H in tryouts was 10.80 for any age I believe.
Apr 14, 2022
A lot of these times are crazy low compared to some of the fastest softball players who play at the highest level (As they always are).

I guess if you time them on first move from a sprint, that would help. Ideally you would start at contact since that's actually showing a useful number.

In this clip of Aliyah Andrews' inside-the-park home run, she goes from contact to foot touching the plate in 11.3 seconds. Spoiler: Most softball players are not as fast as/faster than Aliyah Andrews.

It all depend on how they time it. Reaction time I think is .15. Many start when first foot is out of the box, not finishing a swing. This can be a decent difference.
Jun 6, 2016
Aliyah Andrews was not booking it to 1st at first contact. She probably started rolling after 3-4 steps when Error made. She is fast as lightning though. I still had her at 11.03 when she made first movement to first. That's still rolling in full gear and wasn't immediately hustling. She's sub 11 all day long.

Makes no sense to start timing at first movement. Start at contact because contact is when the play begins. Contact is the moment the defense can begin the process of getting the runner out.

Again, you want functional speed, not a straight line track & field sprint speed. That doesn't have anything to do with how fast someone is in a softball game.
Jun 6, 2016
Just a comparison one of ours who did 11.20 (yes it was hand-timed couldn't get them to spring for the lasers) hit an inside park homer in a game. She was just over 12 seconds there. That seems about right to me between a sprint stance knowing you are going H-H vs a live game after a hit.

The same girl just ran a 12.56 100m during track. Definitely not Olympic sprinter but still fast. And girls don't always get faster during HS, quite often the opposite. Our org fastest ever H-H in tryouts was 10.80 for any age I believe.

I think we actually kind of agree here. You're talking about a HS track star, someone who may not be representing Team USA but who is definitely faster than most other softball players. Let's say she's 12 seconds around the bases.

Wouldn't you agree that everyone talking about sub-12 speeds are likely incorrect for most softball players?

Btw, if you have video of that homer, you can get an exact time.
Jun 8, 2016
Wouldn't you agree that everyone talking about sub-12 speeds are likely incorrect for most softball players?
The actual number isn't important though..people just want to know how fast a kid is compared to their peers..The issue is when various means of measuring are used in which case that comparison isn't any good. If my kid ran an 11.4 then under those same conditions Aliyah would probably be almost a second faster at least.. ?‍♂️

That said,like I said before, just go watch a game. Sometimes I think all these metrics are just to make a camp look fancy..
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