Lock it in drill

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Jul 14, 2008
Sky, I understand that's what you see. As I said before he is doing drills in all of these clips. I have yet to see his actual pitching motion full on. I'm also trying to tell you that the ball facing out is a result of the body turning that direction and some shoulder relief, and NOT a purposeful action that turns the ball outward on the way up the circle such as he shows in his "drills". Please watch the super slo-mo of the REAL PITCHING CLIP of Ueno. The ball is MOCKING the direction of her shoulders. Ueno starts with the ball facing INWARD. She MUST turn the ball from inward to forward which is the rotation you see early on. But, she is NOT purposely turning the ball outward beginning at the nose IMO.

You mentioned Eddie Feigner. Eddie starts up the circle just like Ueno with the ball facing in. When this happens, since the ball cannot possibly run over the top of the circle facing in (because the shoulder won't allow it) the ball will rotate forward to take pressure off the shoulder over the top and allow the arm to continue in a circle. But there's no way EITHER ONE of these pitchers are DOING THIS ON PURPOSE. See the difference here please:


I won't try any longer to convince you. I like your passion for the pitching motion. Just please don't teach anyone to do this ON PURPOSE.

Here, I have a clip I'll post of Eddie that will prove that in his natural motion the ball faces inward THEN FORWARD over the top. In this clip the ball is over the back of his head and he's still not facing the ball out. Freeze at the end and you'll see the truth.

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All I know is I don't know
Jan 13, 2020
Sky, I understand that's what you see. As I said before he is doing drills in all of these clips. I have yet to see his actual pitching motion full on. I'm also trying to tell you that the ball facing out is a result of the body turning that direction and some shoulder relief, and NOT a purposeful action that turns the ball outward on the way up the circle such as he shows in his "drills". Please watch the super slo-mo of the REAL PITCHING CLIP of Ueno. The ball is MOCKING the direction of her shoulders. Ueno starts with the ball facing INWARD. She MUST turn the ball from inward to forward which is the rotation you see early on. But, she is NOT purposely turning the ball outward beginning at the nose IMO.

You mentioned Eddie Feigner. Eddie starts up the circle just like Ueno with the ball facing in. When this happens, since the ball cannot possibly run over the top of the circle facing in (because the shoulder won't allow it) the ball will rotate forward to take pressure off the shoulder over the top and allow the arm to continue in a circle. But there's not way EITHER ONE of these pitchers are DOING THIS ON PURPOSE:

View attachment 17117

I won't try any longer to convince you. I like your passion for the pitching motion. Just please don't teach anyone to do this ON PURPOSE.

Here, I have a clip I'll post of Eddie that will prove that in his natural motion the ball faces inward THEN FORWARD over the top. In this clip the ball is over the back of his head and he's still not facing the ball out. Freeze at the end and you'll see the truth.

Thanks for the response. Do appreciate it.
Jul 14, 2008
I'm sure I've said enough but here are some more mediocre pitchers that absolutely ARE NOT turning the ball out on purpose:

Feb 20, 2012
If you watch him pitch in the last video, he has the fingers pointing to the 3rd base line when the hand leaves the glove every time. I have listened to your words boardmember about "the majority of girls I see who use this more, mainly because of the "wall drill", bend their elbow over the top of their heads putting the ball in a terrible position. "

Thanks all.
The wall drill U say? How is this wall drill done and were does the hand face at top of circle?
my friend you’re moving the goalposts now. The point I was making is that “turning the ball towards 3rd” in and of itself is not some magic way to prevent the elbow from locking out like you said it was. The number of players or coaches that do it, the number of pitchers who pitched for 40 years or that are on the disabled list, ETC … I really don’t feel like getting into that right now. Other people in this thread, notably boardmember, have delved into some of that and given you some things to think about. What I do want to make clear to people reading who may not be experienced with teaching youth pitching is that the direction the ball faces at 3 -12 o’clock has no affect on whether your elbow locks out or not, regardless of what the gentleman in the YouTube video says. That’s all.
my friend you’re moving the goalposts now. The point I was making is that “turning the ball towards 3rd” in and of itself is not some magic way to prevent the elbow from locking out like you said it was. The number of players or coaches that do it, the number of pitchers who pitched for 40 years or that are on the disabled list, ETC … I really don’t feel like getting into that right now. Other people in this thread, notably boardmember, have delved into some of that and given you some things to think about. What I do want to make clear to people reading who may not be experienced with teaching youth pitching is that the direction the ball faces at 3 -12 o’clock has no affect on whether your elbow locks out or not, regardless of what the gentleman in the YouTube video says. That’s all.
Look up Jennie Finch wall drill.
Feb 20, 2012
quote fanbio22
I already know how Jennie Finch pitches since my style is very close to hers and I can tell U this I can move the ball even at age 80 !! I was asking U to see what U would say.
Feb 20, 2012
Including this dude! He has no clue how his own motion works. DO NOT turn the ball outward with the arm/wrist at any time during the circle. No high level pitcher turns the ball "inside out" on the way up the circle like this. Hell even he doesn't do this on his full motion.

Here he is demonstrating his ridiculous (made up in his head) move.

View attachment 17112

These are stills from his ACTUALL full motion without thinking about it at 3:04 of the clip. He DOES NOT use his goofy move, and the ball is even facing MORE FORWARD at the top when he's not thinking about it:

View attachment 17114View attachment 17116

Here's what's missing in his brain. He is starting in drill position, (I know Bill hates those) . But when you actually start the pitching motion square to the target and begin the upward circle with the ball facing down, or even in, and ultimately ending up with the ball facing forward at the top, AND you end up turning to 45 degrees (+/-) more toward the 3rd baseline with the hips and shoulders, without doing ANYTHING with your arm and hand, the ball MAGICLY ALSO FACES slightly more toward the 3rd base line at the top.

Probably a really nice guy who can throw a softball well using I/R. But has no idea how he does it. And it damn sure isn't by turning the ball outward on the way up the circle. One thing I will tell you, the majority of girls I see who use this more, mainly because of the "wall drill", bend their elbow over the top of their heads putting the ball in a terrible position.
Feb 20, 2012
Quote BoardMember
say BoardMember I tried turning my hand outward and went through the motion and even though I don't pitch like that I can pitch turning my hand outward depending on what pitch I want to throw. When I snap across my body with forearm fire I try not to turn my hand over like you do and stay behind the ball longer to get more rotation. The I/R that you talk about becomes a natural part of the motion if the mechanics are right. Say BoardMember i'm 80 and still pitch been throwing for 60 years now and never had an arm probleml
Jul 14, 2008
I know grumpy. You've told me 1000 times. Really cool you can still throw at 80. And no you don't turn the ball out. That's the point. The old guy in the video is advocating that you should. One of the members thought it was a good idea. We're debating that. NICELY. So behave if you want to add something.

Quote BoardMember
say BoardMember I tried turning my hand outward and went through the motion and even though I don't pitch like that I can pitch turning my hand outward depending on what pitch I want to throw. When I snap across my body with forearm fire I try not to turn my hand over like you do and stay behind the ball longer to get more rotation. The I/R that you talk about becomes a natural part of the motion if the mechanics are right. Say BoardMember i'm 80 and still pitch been throwing for 60 years now and never had an arm probleml

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