Just when I thought I'd seen it all....

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
BH's story reminded me of the time in rec when this crazy, over the top, father of a 8yo newbie pitcher told me his 3 lesson pitching coach said that his DD didn't have to attend lessons anymore because "she's got it down" and doesn't need instruction anymore! The father truly believed that his DD was a pitching phenom but it never occurred to him that the PC didn't want to have to deal with him at lessons anymore...I guess ignorance is bliss...

Wow, that's pretty bad if the PC is saying that to get rid of the parent (or the player). Or else that's one heckuva PC.
May 7, 2008
Great story. I had one last year. The girl was about 10. They had scheduled their first lesson. Then, the dad emails that someone showed his daughter some drills to work on, last night, and they won't be needing lessons. "OK"

Then, there are the calls, "Julie has to pitch in 2 days, because our pitcher got hurt. Can you show her how to pitch?"

Another red flag of a family to avoid is when I get the call that they will drive their daughter 4 hours to see me, because every other pitching coach doesn't recognize her ability. They may be the worst, because they have drilled it into their daughter's head that she is destined for UofA.
Sep 17, 2009
What's the big deal? It happens all the time on the technical hitting board. Tell a kid to "turn the barrel" or "swing in the sagittal plane" and you hear back that they are "stinging line drives in the cage!" or "hit 7 for 8 last weekend!" presto fixo!!

(Now granted, no two technical hitting board members can actually look at video of their swing -- or really any swing -- and see exactly the same thing, but that's another story....)

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