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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
There is no substitute for God given talent....

No doubt. Another thing that these 2 girls had was the ability to compete. So while neither worked hard at it, and still don't, both were the kind of kids that once the game started, they wanted to kick your butt. Those are two great qualities - talent and the will to win. If they just had that third ingredient - the will to prepare to win - they'd be unstoppable.


Feb 20, 2012
No doubt. Another thing that these 2 girls had was the ability to compete. So while neither worked hard at it, and still don't, both were the kind of kids that once the game started, they wanted to kick your butt. Those are two great qualities - talent and the will to win. If they just had that third ingredient - the will to prepare to win - they'd be unstoppable.

Hard work beat talent.jpg
Mar 20, 2015
I love the idea! I believe you have to have a measuring stick if you truly want to improve. That measuring stick could be a PC or a log? I would give idea's on practice drills for each individual player depending on what you feel they need to work on. I know we time base runner's and log them. Then we give idea's on how to improve. Then after a while we time them again to see if there is any improvements. If doing a log is too much work, then maybe you know your answer? Remember: When they get in the real world, being graded on their performance is the norm and they need to know how to improve. I believe the times on the softball team are way more than just playing softball, it's also a time they will learn about things they will encounter beyond softball.
Sep 30, 2015
I gotta say that the responses to this have really helped. I had an expectation going in, and from most of the feedback it's not far off. I was getting a little frustrated at the resistance that I was running into asking the girls to put in work outside of regular team practices.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Coach Mike, the TB experience has so many different coaching approaches. Some teams never practice together. Some do everything together including lessons within the organization. Naturally, the price of being on the team reflects this. I don't know that you will get honest logs if playing time etc. is on the line. Also, some parent just can't pay for the private lessons. Some can't find the time in their schedule to take the player to lessons. So, while you made it clear that practice is for game situations, I'd suggest you find some time to fit in fundamentals, pitching, hitting and base running.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
We can always tell the ones who are doing out-of-team-practice practice and those that are not. Sometimes it may not bridge the talent gap, but it will sure close it.

We always set up these off-practice ideas as individual measurements rather than have them compared across teammates as there is so much difference in non-softball activities that you don't have any control of. Also, I agree with a previous post where it can't be work or they wont continue with the game so you have to be careful of crossing that line too much or often.

And for those dealing with below high-school age teams and players, you will quickly see that as the maturity gap closes, those who are used to working and practicing are at a big advantage over those who got by being one of the early-maturity players.
May 18, 2009
I keep a log of outside practices for my DD. We try to throw 300-400 pitches per week. That's 1.5 to 2 hrs of work. I have watched a lot of lower tier players completely change their game in an off season and come back or go to another team as a dominant player. They put in the work. Our #9 hitter would be my #3 or #4 hitter now. Her off season work has made her a hitting monster. I am signing my DD up with the same hitting instructor because of what I've seen.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I was getting a little frustrated at the resistance that I was running into asking the girls to put in work outside of regular team practices.

The other thing you need to be aware of what other activities the players are involved in. 2 of our better athletes, SB is their secondary sport.
Sep 30, 2015
The other thing you need to be aware of what other activities the players are involved in. 2 of our better athletes, SB is their secondary sport.

I really do understand what you are saying there. My DD is now playing on the middle school basketball team and is still finding time to get an extra SB workout or two in between TB practices. I really think that it comes down to more of a want/drive issue than anything else.
Feb 20, 2015
"I really think that it comes down to more of a want/drive issue than anything else."

Agree up to a point. You have to realize you are talking about 12-14 year old girls here. Assuming you have two TB practices a week, at a couple of hours a piece, and girls playing BB, Volleyball, Cheerleading, (those coaches are making demands on their time also) and still having to concentrate on school work etc, making extra softball practice mandatory, is just asking to burn them out, where softball becomes a chore instead of something they enjoy.

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