Advantages of joining organization

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Don't like labels
Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
I am curious as to what the advantages are of joining an organization over being a singular team or two outside of being a 501c or whatever it is. I may have the opportunity to do so but it will test my convictions. I'm leaning against it because I may have to cut some girls that I committed to. Based on that I will not join, but I also don't have all of the information either. Just trying to figure out what I am missing out on being out there all alone lol.
Nov 6, 2013
Baja, AZ
I am curious as to what the advantages are of joining an organization over being a singular team or two outside of being a 501c or whatever it is. I may have the opportunity to do so but it will test my convictions. I'm leaning against it because I may have to cut some girls that I committed to. Based on that I will not join, but I also don't have all of the information either. Just trying to figure out what I am missing out on being out there all alone lol.

Of course there will be disadvantages, like losing your autonomy, for one.

But my DDs org pools resources, so there are always plenty of snappy stations during practice. Older girls pitch to younger girls before tournaments. Money and funding is partially pooled. The teams are managed pretty good. For the most part, teams are separated by birth year, but girls play up as needed, depending on the tournament and the participating teams. I like it.
Jun 18, 2012
Of course there will be disadvantages, like losing your autonomy, for one.

But my DDs org pools resources, so there are always plenty of snappy stations during practice. Older girls pitch to younger girls before tournaments. Money and funding is partially pooled. The teams are managed pretty good. For the most part, teams are separated by birth year, but girls play up as needed, depending on the tournament and the participating teams. I like it.

"Losing autonomy" is a fantastic point!!!

In my area (where I reside), the high school coach has a very well organized competitive summer ball program where he is at the top and he takes the top 16U of the two 16U teams he has. He does not at all like anyone on his turf, which I am. Why? Because he wants any and all players who will be playing softball in high school to worship at his altar. If you don't you are definitely black-listed--seen and an outcast, even someone who has committed some sort of sin. I find this extremely repulsive.

In my opinion, given the development of competitive sports programs outside of high school, I'd like to see sports taken out of high school all together. I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, so back to my main point...

I think there is a huge negative associated with instilling a fear in the minds of high school players that they must play in the high school coach's summer-ball program OR ELSE! The players don't have a choice who their coach is in high school sports if they decide to play in those sports, they should feel they have complete choice in the off season without fear of being black-listed or fear that they will have committed some sort of sin.

Now I know this isn't the case in all areas, but I see it as a legitimate problem here in the area I live.

Tying this back to the notion of autonomy.... Two years ago when I mentioned to the high school coach that I was going to start a competitive team, there was some mild patronizing of me followed by a request to simply come coach in his organization, say one of his two 14U teams. I told him, "Nope." I don't want to be told what I can and cannot teach. Good thing, because I think the guy is much to narrow-minded (a full-fledged cookie cutter in things like batting mechanics, throwing, defensive considerations, etc.). I am now glad that I retained my autonomy, as I have three pitching students from among the high school players and several batting student from among high school players. When he and I have had any dialog (it's very rare--he's not one to socialize), he's patronized me, but I see right through it. He greatly resents that some of the high school girls work with me as a private coach (pitching and hitting). I don't worship at his altar and I don't think players should have to all but a couple months out of the year (their off-season--November-December and possibly half of August).
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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
When the objective of an organization is to turn out great High School players that is exactly what you will get. If players have aspirations beyond just playing High School ball they need to find a team that will help them get to the next level. That is only rarely their High School/Rec Ball coach. If you are thinking of folding into an organization make sure you are one of the lesser teams. Otherwise the organization will not be doing you any favors and will cost you in the long run. Organizations are usually associated with their lowest common denominator. One bad team and certainly one bad coach can put everyone at risk.


Don't like labels
Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
Ouch. Tell me how you really feel...

The only real benefit I can see at this point is having a steady stream of players coming up through. I like what I have going on and where we are headed so I'll stay the course with what I had originally envisioned.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Ouch. Tell me how you really feel...

The only real benefit I can see at this point is having a steady stream of players coming up through. I like what I have going on and where we are headed so I'll stay the course with what I had originally envisioned.

We fielded our first team in 1989 and while not necessarily big, we have been around a for a while. Unfortunately we just spent an inordinate amount of time with a weak team and an off the hook coach that did some real damage to the organization. Got to the point where I had to explain to TD's and college coaches "We are NOT that team. That is one of our other teams." If you can be part of a great organization there are definitely some advantages. But more often than not being independent is a good thing as it puts your destiny within your control, not that of others.

As to having a steady stream of players - If you do your part as a coach, and I know you will, that will never be an issue.
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Jun 18, 2012
But more often than not being independent is a good thing as it puts your destiny within your control, not that of others.

Having independents in your area is good because it gives rise to the possibility of having some choice as a player in who she can learn from. I hate the idea of monopolization in smaller areas where you only have one choice in the team you play for.
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Don't like labels
Sep 13, 2013
Dumfries, VA
I'm hustling that's for sure. My name is on the product and I take pride in my work. We had a brutal start. We were by far the worst team in the area and we had some embarrassing games but from fall to spring we made huge gains. Team batting average rose over 200 points, defensively we did a lot better in all areas.

I also have players being taken and girls seeking us out. Every other independent team in the area has folded after the first season or two. Hoping to make it passed the sophomore year. I'm off to a good start.

Doug - there are a plethora of orgs around here. Crushers, Xplosion, Cannons, Glory, Blaze, Shamrocks just to name a few.
Jun 18, 2012
I'm hustling that's for sure. My name is on the product and I take pride in my work. We had a brutal start. We were by far the worst team in the area and we had some embarrassing games but from fall to spring we made huge gains. Team batting average rose over 200 points, defensively we did a lot better in all areas.

I also have players being taken and girls seeking us out. Every other independent team in the area has folded after the first season or two. Hoping to make it passed the sophomore year. I'm off to a good start.

Doug - there are a plethora of orgs around here. Crushers, Xplosion, Cannons, Glory, Blaze, Shamrocks just to name a few.

The lack of choice around here results in a dictator/king-like mentality. Up to a point, the more teams there are, the more choice players have, and the humbler coaches have to be. In the special case of having a huge organization as a spin-off of the high school coaching staff and maybe one or two small teams as alternatives result in a god-complex where players are expected to kneel before their god or be cast out as if having committed an unpardonable sin. Sorry, but it's true!
Dec 16, 2010

Can you enter the kind of tournaments you want? Play the kind of competition you need?

If yes, I believe you're better off independent. I've read a lot of your posts--I'm pretty sure you'll be happier as an independent and I doubt anyone will leave your team to save a buck or two.

However, if you're getting frozen out of tournaments because your former house-league-all-stars are becoming uncomfortably competitive ("elite" teams avoid you because they don't want to lose to "lower level" teams), you may need to bite the bullet and join IF the parent organization can get you into the right tournaments.

Tough decision--good luck.

EDIT: Doh! Slappers asked the question, not Doug! Sorry yall.
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