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We've been using it for about 7-8 months now. It's gone through ALOT of changes and upgrades. It's much nicer now than it was 6 month's ago. DD uses it typically a couple times a week. Usually spends more time on it right before a tournament. Has it made a difference? Who knows honestly but she does seem to be timing the ball better.
Feb 24, 2021
What else do you need to get the max benefit from it? Don't you have to connect something to your bat? I'm really considering getting it, getting reps in the NE winter can be a challenge at times lol.
What else do you need to get the max benefit from it? Don't you have to connect something to your bat? I'm really considering getting it, getting reps in the NE winter can be a challenge at times lol.

You can get a bat attachment which attaches one of the controllers to the bat. It used to be required for the actual hitting portion. However after a recent update you can just use the controllers to “swing”. So now it’s optional. DD just uses the controllers now.
I had a lot of trouble getting the live hitting section to work. So far they don’t have the swing plane inserted into the program. it will tell if you swing early or late but if you swing high on a low pitch on time it shows you hit a line drive. What I do like is DD can get to see pitches even if there is no practice. And watching a virtual pitch takes more focus than live pitches.

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