Multiple kids in travel ball - Family Strain - What to do?

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Nov 20, 2020
SW Missouri
We have 3 total. DD #1 is our TB softball kid. DD #2 does (low level) figure skating. DS does house league hockey and likely will turn travel as he gets older.

Plain and simple DW and I split time. Trade off on practices, games, and events. This year my time with DD #1 was a little heavier because I was helping coach. But now that she’s moved teams that won’t be the case.

Coaching was fun but I do regret missing some of the other kids events. Looking forward to being more available. DD #1 and I work a lot at home so missing a practice or game now and again isn’t much an issue. Especially since I can stream games live or re watch later.
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Jul 25, 2021
Some great advice/experience here. I will definitely miss coaching but my marriage is number one here. The right answer has been staring me in the face, many of these responses reinforce the right decision. Thank you.

I have resisted long enough, I absolutely love being on the field and coaching, the practices, the strategizing between/during games, looking each player in the eye and encouraging them after they make a mistake, celebrating positive plays, all of it.

A healthy marriage is way more important for everyone, kids as well. They will get a chance to develop with other coaches and my wife and I can divide and conquer when needed or even watch a game together which I dont believe has ever happened with any of our children!
Jan 28, 2017
Former HS head football coach. Stopped coaching to follow kids. DD is 15 and tournaments are normally two or three day events that require over night stay. 12 year old son's games are always Sat./Sun. and within 2:30 hours. I tend to go with her more than him but try to balance as much as possible. My wife job will not let her spend the night out of town. So now, I go to all of her over night tournaments and my wife has to drive him. 5 hour drives two days in a row are tough on the wife.

My DD seems to need more support than my son. I think you could drop him off anywhere and he would be like, see you sometime. We don't do that of course.
May 17, 2012
And the other thought that hasn't been mentioned is that you don't go to their games. They will be OK without you.
Oct 4, 2018
Some great advice/experience here. I will definitely miss coaching but my marriage is number one here. The right answer has been staring me in the face, many of these responses reinforce the right decision. Thank you.

I have resisted long enough, I absolutely love being on the field and coaching, the practices, the strategizing between/during games, looking each player in the eye and encouraging them after they make a mistake, celebrating positive plays, all of it.

A healthy marriage is way more important for everyone, kids as well. They will get a chance to develop with other coaches and my wife and I can divide and conquer when needed or even watch a game together which I dont believe has ever happened with any of our children!

I jokingly tell my kids' coaches "You get to coach them 4 days a week, I get to coach them the other 7."

You'll still be in that role. They still need you to succeed.

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