I remember respecting Jessica Mendoza

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May 6, 2015
Think that has more to do with the background for the hitter.

but if that is the case, you could still have seats say 20 feet up, and I remember a lot of old parks frm the 70s (ie multi use parks like the Vet had seats all around the OF, just the first row was say 25 feet off the ground. batters eye does not extend upwards indefinitely.

and there was a story a few years ago, forget which city, with a guy in CF with binocs, holding up one arm for FB, another for offspeed, think it ended up just being a fan of the home team and trying to give an edge (and how does MLB regulate that ;)
Jun 26, 2019
Where are they going to go with the players discipline? Managers and coaches get fired and suspended but all the players get a pass? That doesn't seem right... What are you going to do? Suspend the whole team, wherever they are now? Sounds like a giant can of worms!
Feb 3, 2011
If he was so against it, why did he accept his World Series ring? Should have made a stand then.

Nah. In the moment, he felt one way. OK. Now with the passage of time, he's got more clarity and more voice.

And after getting dragged for her earlier remarks (thought she wasn't responsible for the conflict-of-interest), Jessica thought about a few things and did some damage control:

Mar 28, 2014
Nah. In the moment, he felt one way. OK. Now with the passage of time, he's got more clarity and more voice.

And after getting dragged for her earlier remarks (thought she wasn't responsible for the conflict-of-interest), Jessica thought about a few things and did some damage control:



Dad, Coach, Chauffeur
Sep 2, 2016
Western NY
Cheating seems to be commonplace in some pro sports, and no on in mgmt cares as long as it helps to sell tickets and merchandise. If you watch an NFL playoff game and don't recognize they use the Refs to influence the outcome, you aren't paying attention. They even change the rules at the end of the game so the coaches can't challenge anything...and if you watch the coaches...they know when calls are BS...and they can't do/say anything. Like no one notices when a 300LB TE steam rolls every DB in the league...then retires and turns into Manute Bol in 2 weeks?? What they don't want...and what I think JM's original message was about...is publicity that hurts sales. They want the appearance of integrity...not integrity.
May 29, 2015
Going to react after reading just the first page, then I’ll probably come back with more later ...

I don’t think Mendoza was chastising him for coming out with the information/accusation ... What I heard was her asking why he didn’t go through proper channels (when it happened) instead of benefitting and then going to the media after leaving the team. Like @Hillhouse said, he isn’t a whistle blower. He’s a guy looking to keep his name in the headlines. That doesn’t make him wrong, it just makes his motivations suspect.

What is it with the Astros? They were also at the center of the scandal a few years ago when they had a front office person leave for St. Louis and then hack back into their e-mails (or something along those lines). I’m starting to look at them as I do the Patriots: any one of these incidents on their own could be blamed on a “few bad seeds”, but the overarching pattern of behavior over time indicates a cultural corruption and systemic expectation from the top down. The e-mail scandal, AJ Hinch‘s abhorrent on-field behavior, now this ... something is rotten at the top. These are symptoms, not the disease.
Mar 28, 2014
What is it with the Astros? They were also at the center of the scandal a few years ago when they had a front office person leave for St. Louis and then hack back into their e-mails (or something along those lines). I’m starting to look at them as I do the Patriots: any one of these incidents on their own could be blamed on a “few bad seeds”, but the overarching pattern of behavior over time indicates a cultural corruption and systemic expectation from the top down. The e-mail scandal, AJ Hinch‘s abhorrent on-field behavior, now this ... something is rotten at the top. These are symptoms, not the disease.
Yeah you're totally off base with the email accusation. ST. LOUIS HACKED INTO HOUSTON'S Computer system. Not sure how you blame Houston for that one. They were the victim. St. Louis was penalized by MLB. Lost their first two draft picks and were fined $2 million. The guilty person was banned for life from Baseball.

And I don't get your reference to AJ Hinch's behavior. He only has 11 ejections in 5 years. The yearly leaders for those years were 8, 5, 5, 6, 5. He only averaged 2.2 a year. As you can see, WELL below the yearly leaders in ejections. Less than half of the yearly leaders to be exact.

Seems like you're just trying to make them out to be the bad guys.
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May 29, 2015
I am not familiar with the official baseball rules- can someone (a Blue would be great!) point out where the rules prohibit stealing signs? Honestly, i dont know what the rules are on this but i know i am like one of the only coaches i know who does not do this.

is stealing signs like When one college softball pitcher is allowed to leap and replant her way to championships and awards? even though Everyone knows there are rules against it and penalties dictated, but its still allowed?

See, now ... there is the problem.

First, have you ever tried to read “Official Baseball Rules” (the MLB rulebook)? It is one of the worst written rulebooks out there.

Personal soapbox for a second — Youth sports should NEVER use OBR as the basis of their rules!!

OK, back to the matter at hand ... Second, you won’t find it in there because it is not in there. No organization has rules against stealing signals (except Little League). MLB does not even have any rule in the book against electronic communication. That “prohibition” was set forth in a memo to the teams in 2001.

I have major issues with the culture of baseball (in general) and baseball umpires (yes, I am one). They like to govern the game with memos, references to other organizations, and books written by “authoritative officials” instead of just writing down the darn rules and putting them in the book.
Jul 14, 2018
There's at least some tacit acknowledgement from MLB that sign stealing is part of the game. They could easily go to wristbands and the 'problem' goes away.
Mar 28, 2014
There's at least some tacit acknowledgement from MLB that sign stealing is part of the game. They could easily go to wristbands and the 'problem' goes away.
Exactly. Blows my mind that a guy like Beltran is known as the best sign stealer out there, yet the opponent's do nothing to counter his presence. Just want to complain after the fact instead of being proactive and implementing counter moves. Good Lord it's a Chess match. You just going to sit there and let your opponent make all the moves?

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