Hitting with one arm

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Jul 29, 2008
We haven't been nearly as diligent on tee work as we are used to and DD has since picked up little bad habits and isn't hitting nearly as well.

So tonight we're on the tee, I make one slight change on stance/pre-load and she's hitting ok. I take her right hand away (she's a righty) and she looks awesome. Not telling her what I'm thinking, I make her hit 20 more alternating both hands and just her left. One handed looks beautiful. She hits 10 more choked up about 1-2 inches with both hands, now that is looking a lot better. Body alignment & correct weight distribution come back too.

So I'm guessing she's pushing the bat too much with her right hand/arm? Do I keep doing the alternating drill? Any other suggestions?
Aug 4, 2008
We never swing bats with one hand. We use a weighted PVC pipe and hit tennis balls and do exactly what you are doing. Left, Right and two handed. Just like you stated you can see where the ball is going and correct many flaws. 1. Tool that would help ID what you are talking about is the WHIPHIT. I'm waiting to see when Michael Bastian posts it on a web site for sale. It will be one of the best hitting training tools on the market.
She should be pulling throw with the left hand. You can take a rope and stand behind her and she should be able to pull you thru only using her left hand. This should give her the feel of where the hand path should be. Just my 2 cents without seeing her swing.
May 7, 2008
San Rafael, Ca
both arms have important roles that can be worked on separately then together for MLB pattern.

Peavy (peavynet.com) has a nice set
of drills available from his website starting with lead arm drills and using procut weight on the knob (lower inertia/swing weight to encourage turning not dragging bat) and then adding top hand/back arm instages.

Lau Jr (LAUS LAWS, See his website) has his "open top hand drill"
to avoid "top hand dominance"flaw.

mankin (batspeed.com)
works the other way, starting with one arm back arm swings with tight swing radius starting with back elbow down, then adding lead arm/bottom hand, then adding back arm action via elevation of back elbow.

full one arm/back arm/top hand elbow up and down (tip and rip) is used at
May 12, 2008
Lead arm drills are good. I'd stay away from the hittingillustrated people.


Where you been. Thought maybe you'd been abducted.
Jul 17, 2008
Lau Jr (LAUS LAWS, See his website) has his "open top hand drill"
to avoid "top hand dominance"flaw.

A top-hand drill to avoid doing much with the top hand sounds about right, IMO.

Tom, I'm sure you'll again say that all the guys you quoite are teaching the same thing, and that:

mankin (batspeed.com)
works the other way, starting with one arm back arm swings with tight swing radius starting with back elbow down, then adding lead arm/bottom hand, then adding back arm action via elevation of back elbow.

Lau Jr (LAUS LAWS, See his website) has his "open top hand drill"
to avoid "top hand dominance"flaw.

is the same thing as well.

Once again, you'll be mistaken.

But after you've said it, perhaps you can again refresh us on how Epstein is ALSO saying the same thing when he says to rest the bat on the deltoid, and figure out what to do with the hands / arms later? Is it too complicated for him to tackle (short answer is "yes," in a mass-market product, BTW.) But that makes the product kind of valueless for an advanced student.

Who is Peavy, and why on earth should anyone care about him? Does he have more members than your site (Hitting Illustrated)?

I guess he'd almost have to. . . . .Still have never heard of him, though.

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