Hitting Technique

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Jan 28, 2017
My son has been hitting with a future high draft pick. His uncle has been doing hitting lessons for years and his dad (played in the minors) has a facility but doesn’t do much with hitting.

1. Teacherman’s load
2. Front elbow to the ball
3. PVC pipe (knob down your forearm)
4. Back elbow slaps the ribs. Holding angles with the front elbow that’s at the ball.
5. Jab the back hand to the ball
6. Back forearm follow the ball facing the sky.
7. No shoulder turn.
8. Catch the ball with your back hip.
Thoughts? I think they have combined a lot of guys but not sure. Kid can hit and runs well.
Aug 20, 2017
1. Teacherman’s load (coil first then stride?)
2. Front elbow to the ball (sounds pushy)
3. PVC pipe (knob down your forearm) (not understanding this)
4. Back elbow slaps the ribs. Holding angles with the front elbow that’s at the ball. (sounds pushy)
5. Jab the back hand to the ball (down to?, could be pushy)
6. Back forearm follow the ball facing the sky. (tough to do if you do #5)
7. No shoulder turn. (definitely pushy, hands need space and will find it some way, shoulder tilt?)
8. Catch the ball with your back hip. (a rotated back hip?)

Hitting can (and should) be taught many different ways. The brain is really good and combined with athleticism will create explosive hitters.

I like to focus on the stride, good launch position, posture, and timing which are all debatable. I certainly don’t work with future high draft picks though
Jan 28, 2017
1. Coil and stride together
2. Does look pushy
3. Use a 5ft PVC pipe and hold in the middle. Snap so the PVC pipe is on your front forearm. Hard to explain without seeing or at least for me.
4.sounds pushy
5. Didn’t explain well. Upper cut the back hand
6. Above should answer
7. Thinking Bergman. No tilt taught
8. Rotate to ball
Jan 28, 2017
External rotation of the back thigh. Internal rotation of the front hip. Stay there with your back elbow up until front foot hits. Knees over toes. Hands to sternum (back elbow tight) and then squeeze your back glute. Back forearms to the ball and knob snaps to front forearm. Thoughts?

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