DD is a 2022 C/1B. She has played for A-level TB teams for the past 3 years (the ones before that were probably B teams in hindsight). Before COVID hit, she had her eye firmly on a mid-major DI school here in the South (highly-touted liberal arts university). She has been in contact throughout 2020 and it was apparent that they had interest in her, but had been really ham-strung by COVID, the extra year of eligibility, etc...
I was concerned about all of this and encouraged her not to put all her eggs in one basket and to look more widely. She began focusing on some AWESOME schools in the NE (mostly NESCAC) and have received a lot of interest from one of them. Honestly, though, we were concerned about the cost. I wrote about it in another thread, but we won't qualify for needs-based money and those schools give no merit money.
Well, she had had a smaller DIII liberal arts school in the South on her list, but hadn't been pursuing it very hard. She had a conversation with the Coach back in the fall and it sounded hopeful. The only issue that was a turn-off was that the team, frankly, is not great. Their record is pretty bad. BUT, he told her that she would undoubtedly play almost all of the time, as he keeps his roster small (16-19). He also said she might even get to play her secondary position when not catching. She took that in and moved on.
Fast-forward to last weekend. On kind of a whim, DH and I drove with DD up to this school to take a look around (2.5 hour drive). Students have not returned to campus yet, but we just explored. The campus is absolutely drop-jaw gorgeous and resembles Oxford in England. We found the softball field and DD loved it. We went to lunch off-campus and DD was typing away on her phone. She said she had emailed the Coach and I asked to see what she wrote. Imagine my shock when I see that she has written, "I'm here on campus and I am in love. I want to be a part of the school and will do whatever it takes. I would love to discuss committing to [the school] with you if that is an option." Not ten minutes later, Coach calls and offers her a spot!
I know it's DIII and it's not technically the same as a verbal commitment in DI. But we believe it's perfect for DD. STELLAR academics, small and close-knit community, and the ability to be serious about softball but also have enough time for studies and a social life. DD is over the moon happy. It would appear that putting it out there the way she did in that email really did the trick (of course don't do that unless you mean it!).
Can't wait to watch DD play without the stress of worrying about recruiting from here forward.
Stunning story, congratulations!
But one correction: "it's DIII and....we believe it's perfect for DD." ????????? ??????
Excellent choice!