Catching at Pitching Private Lessons

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Nov 4, 2015
It's not the catching of good pitches that is hard. It's the catching, or not getting killed by, the bad pitches. I still catch my dd, but I am not too proud to save the money maker and bail on a pitch in the dirt. Can I catch most of them? Yes. But the ricochets off the glove and into the face are more than i can stand. Just treat it like a grenade and bail out!
Jun 13, 2011
My 14u DD will catch for 3 different pitchers off and on, and has for the last 3 years. If more than one of them wants her at the same time, her first question is where are we going to eat afterwards - Best Ice Cream wins!
Oct 16, 2020
Agreed, you are doing them a favor. When my DD, 12U, has her lessons and I can get her catcher, I am overjoyed. Survived one more day ;).
Mar 28, 2020
My 11 y/o switched to catching at the end of the season, and has really taken to it. I've started taking her to catch at one of our pitcher's private lessons a couple times a week. We are not paying the private coach (pitcher's parents are), we are just piggy-backing off the lessons to get reps (and break in her mitt). Is this the general etiquette, or should I be offering the parents or coach something?

My 11 year old is new to catching also and she does the same thing. She goes to pitching training for free. The parents love her coming out. You can see her improvement.

Now parents paying her to come out is news to me ..... If my daughter finds out she can get paid she will put an ad out ...... she has dresses she wants to buy
Oct 28, 2020
Haha I know, right? If I had known catchers get paid I would have made her start years ago! ;)

Good luck to your daughter, hope she’s enjoying it!

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