Screwball is causing elbow pain

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Jun 19, 2014
I am curious if there is another way to throw the screwball? DD has been throwing lot of screwball in games and now she is complaining about elbow pain. I am fine with her using an inside drop ball because she is so consistent with locating her DB. But, DH and coach likes her screwball. She get a lot of strikeouts with that pitch. I know the spin has to be absolute but how you get the spin without causing pain when thrown a lot?
Feb 3, 2010
Pac NW
Unless Orthodoc chimed in, I'd take any advice you get on a forum with a grain of salt (in her case, prolly some Epsom Salt! ;) )

Where and when does she feel discomfort? Is it only when throwing this pitch? What is her cue/feel to get this spin? From the spectator's perspective, does this pitch "look" different from her others? Can you share video of the screwball and another pitch that doesn't hurt?


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
also how old is your DD?
my first thought is the pain is a red flag.
does she ice her elbow after throwing? (if not, she Should)

DD#1 had elbow pain that she kept quiet until she couldn't throw any more. I would advise against this.
Jun 7, 2016
Sorry to hear of DD's discomfort. But Im glad this thread has been started. It seems to me (a newbie) that the proper screwball spin is antithetical to proper IR mechanics. My DD'd PC taught her a "Screwball" (she is RHP). To get the proper rotation (ball spinning toward 3rd base line) is opposite the natural rotation of the forearm when whipping. I cannot reconcile this with her current mechanics. Also, she seems to get a similar break using the two seam FB. Consequently, we dont practice it much.
Of course, we may be doing something incorrectly!?
May 14, 2015
Bismarck ND
Massage her forearm!! its the twisting motion and my dd had similar issues. pain was in the elbow and the tricep, cause there is something that attaches the two( I dont remember what its called). Rest and working the knot out in the forearm helped alot, then exercises to strengthen. All is good now!
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
I am curious if there is another way to throw the screwball? DD has been throwing lot of screwball in games and now she is complaining about elbow pain. I am fine with her using an inside drop ball because she is so consistent with locating her DB. But, DH and coach likes her screwball. She get a lot of strikeouts with that pitch. I know the spin has to be absolute but how you get the spin without causing pain when thrown a lot?

Did you share this with Rick Pauly?
Oct 16, 2014
My DD gets elbow/forearm pain. We have isolated it to "most likely" being from improper overhand throwing, but it does bother her if she throws the screwball a lot as well. We ice her elbow and forearm after pitching. she also uses a flexbar for forearm /elbow tendon strengthening as well and "rolls" her forearms with "the stick" after pitching or throwing, but mostly we try to avoid doing the movements that bother her, for instance, she does't throw the screwball much anymore.

Flexbar exercises (we got her a red one on amazon for $11, the colors are different strengths)

"the stick"
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If she has elbow pain throwing any pitch there is a mechanical issue that needs to be addressed. Quit throwing the pitch until she learns to throw it correctly.

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