Pitcher Parents - If you could do it all over again...?

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Dec 7, 2011
As I sit here reflecting on DD's pitching "career" (now sophomore in college) I have the hindsight perspective to ponder "could-a-would-a-should-a".

The biggest regret I have is not (somehow) being a stronger influence on playing-pitch-selection for DD. I look back at too many coaches that brought her in and immediately forced her into a pitch-selection routine that was against her strengths and not "who she was". I submit that too many coaches have a very narrow model in their head of what a successful game-pitch-selection is and don't have the ability & flexibility to see the specific strengths and the greatest potential in a pitchers unique talents.

I should have stayed in coaching and should have led DD's playing pitch selection all the way through to college instead of stepping out completely just before HS.......

Curious what more of you pitcher-parent veterans would have done different if given the chance....?
Jun 12, 2015
As a new pitcher's parent I'm excited about this thread. I hope lots of people will contribute so I can learn from what everyone else would have done differently. :D
Jan 28, 2013
The biggest regret I have is not (somehow) being a stronger influence on playing-pitch-selection for DD. I look back at too many coaches that brought her in and immediately forced her into a pitch-selection routine that was against her strengths and not "who she was". I submit that too many coaches have a very narrow model in their head of what a successful game-pitch-selection is and don't have the ability & flexibility to see the specific strengths and the greatest potential in a pitchers unique talents.

That is my experience as well.
Spent a long time watching pitchers with different skill sets try to fit into the rigid pitch selection rules the HC had.

My other regret was allowing DD to be pressured into using the team's PC. Her PC is highly regarded and she was making tremendous
progress. The team PC immediately made drastic changes that set her back and that has taken her PC years to get rid of and it is still a battle.
When you try to make 2 radically different styles happy, you end up getting stuck in the middle and not happy with the results.

That team later switched to DD"s PC.
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Nov 26, 2010
Early on I didn't "enjoy" what we were doing enough. It was more stressful then it needed to be, for both of us. I didn't figure that out until she was about 14, after that it was so much more fun for both of us,
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
She and I both agree that we should have invested more time and effort into mastering a change-up. The interesting thing is that kids like her that are power pitchers can do quite well without a CU. But once they do develop the pitch it becomes extremely effective, more so than for a pitcher that is a spinner.
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Oct 19, 2009
beyond the fences
Reflecting back, now that DD is in college, I would have chosen an indoor sport (volleyball)
for climate controlled tournaments that are air conditioned and heated where all games run on time! lol

Seriously, I wouldn't change a thing-she is very much a self advocate regarding her strengths and has always
had a great open dialogue with coaches. The memories from road trips and the hours in the car (and on the bucket)
are priceless and these will stay with us both forever.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
As I sit here reflecting on DD's pitching "career" (now sophomore in college) I have the hindsight perspective to ponder "could-a-would-a-should-a".

The biggest regret I have is not (somehow) being a stronger influence on playing-pitch-selection for DD. I look back at too many coaches that brought her in and immediately forced her into a pitch-selection routine that was against her strengths and not "who she was". I submit that too many coaches have a very narrow model in their head of what a successful game-pitch-selection is and don't have the ability & flexibility to see the specific strengths and the greatest potential in a pitchers unique talents.

I should have stayed in coaching and should have led DD's playing pitch selection all the way through to college instead of stepping out completely just before HS.......

Curious what more of you pitcher-parent veterans would have done different if given the chance....?

Great point. I have found that the pitch that she believes in is typically far and away more effective than pitch the coach thinks is right.
May 22, 2012
As I sit here reflecting on DD's pitching "career" (now sophomore in college) I have the hindsight perspective to ponder "could-a-would-a-should-a".

The biggest regret I have is not (somehow) being a stronger influence on playing-pitch-selection for DD. I look back at too many coaches that brought her in and immediately forced her into a pitch-selection routine that was against her strengths and not "who she was". I submit that too many coaches have a very narrow model in their head of what a successful game-pitch-selection is and don't have the ability & flexibility to see the specific strengths and the greatest potential in a pitchers unique talents.

I should have stayed in coaching and should have led DD's playing pitch selection all the way through to college instead of stepping out completely just before HS.......

Curious what more of you pitcher-parent veterans would have done different if given the chance....?

Rubber, Interesting post. My DD is only a freshman in HS and still recovering from injury but your post reminded me of a story I just heard about another freshman (HS) in a neighboring town. This girl worked hard to make varsity as a freshman. She throws 4 pitches: 4 seam, 2 seam, drop and change. HS pitching coach informed her (after making the team) that pitchers on his team throw ONLY screwball inside and rise outside. Essentially you have two weeks to learn those pitches.
Can you imagine?
May 30, 2013
Binghamton, NY
mine is someday,
I know I'll look back and think:

a) she started playing on a "futures"/"showcase"/"exposure" team too late
b) she started playing on a "futures"/"showcase"/"exposure" team too early
Sep 19, 2013
Great thread. Did u guys ever struggle with motivation to do the pitching work? What did u do to get by this?
What about team selection?

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