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Jul 14, 2008
When I say "Get the Ball Spinning to the Right".........

From I/R Classroom thread..........

IE the forearm/wrist turning over toward the LH batter, and the ball spinning right toward the RH batter (RH'r). This tells me that the student is working INTO the snap during the learning process. And hasn't "missed the whip" so to speak

This is a 4 seam-2 finger grip with the thumb splitting the fork. Most younger students will use a 3 finger grip with the middle finger centered opposite the thumb........


This is the spin we're looking for as we learn to "whip" the ball...........Notice the black line orientated to the Right even though the ball is going straight............


The ball should be spinning to the RIGHT as we throw it straight ahead..........


From the catchers prospective the ball should be spinning to the left toward the RH'd batter as we throw it straight ahead.........


Of course the Opposite is true for LH'rs (Gator).............
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Jul 17, 2012
That there is some impressive video capture!! Nice work!! One question though... is it possible to slightly "miss" the release at the back thigh, release at the front thigh and still get that spin? Only reason I ask is I think I've seen it.
Jan 4, 2012
The Tape is on wrong... now its unanimous.... JK :cool:

#16... I was agreeing w/ the good coach about the axis for the drop... having just picked it up. DD was demoing it, second time. It did drop off the table..... I also conceded that coach was "properly" right. I said in other post that I have been told by just about everyone I have come into contact with in FastPitch...that my tape was on wrong... 2 seams. I still have it the way I started out. I am really happy that my gut kept it the way I started. The two seams "off the table" worked good enough for what I was trying to do..
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Feb 5, 2010
This is Awesome!!!
Only the second time that I have clearly seen an instructor advocate 2 fingers if possible. I'm constantly told that girls can't do this.
Sep 10, 2013
younger kids have smaller hands/shorter fingers so they start with 4. as they grow, they can get a better grip with less fingers.
my DD has always used 4 and she's only now starting with 3. less fingers = quicker release = faster pitch (or something like that).

i think hillhouse in his 1st dvd that advocated the same thing about less fingers on the ball.
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Jul 14, 2008
That there is some impressive video capture!! Nice work!! One question though... is it possible to slightly "miss" the release at the back thigh, release at the front thigh and still get that spin?

Yes ABSOLUTELY Rope...........Basically, getting "inside" the ball is the ONLY thing required to produce this spin.

Producing this spin is not a "sign" that proper I/R is taking place, nor that it's taking place in the right place, or at the right time. It is simply proof that the forearm is STAYING properly "loaded".......Which is where most beginners FAIL in the first place.......

So simply getting/staying inside the ball will produce this spin..........Even void of forearm I/R in the right spot in the circle.........

The critical component then becomes WHEN does the forearm rotation take place in order to CAPITALIZE on the transfer of that load into the ball to produce maximum velocity..........That must happen at the EXACT POINT that EVERYTHNG IS STILL COMING TOGETHER (PEAK ADDuction).........Because EVERYTHING AFTER THAT POINT IS DECELERATION.............


Only reason I ask is I think I've seen it.

I know........So the key is to make sure that forearm I/R IS AN ADDER..........NOT A RESTARTER after decel begins.......

Producing the spin is a PRE-REQUISITE to GOOD I/R.........Moving that I/R back and STILL PRODUCING that spin is an ADVANCED adjustment to insure we are REALLY "catching the whip"...........

Hope this helps..........
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Jul 14, 2008
My goal of course is to help people SEE/FEEL the difference between a "pretty good" delivery and a REAL GOOD delivery.......Maximizing the kinetic transfer into the ball...........

Here's a test.........This young lady CAN produce the spin, because as she approaches she is inside the ball.........But what could she do to IMPROVE her velocity.........AND WHY...........


Is her I/R an "ADDER"? Or a "RESTARTER".........???

And will an adjustment help her posture also??? WHY?............
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Jul 17, 2012
Sure does...DD does get the proper spin, but as you pointed out...it is too far forward. Now given the fact that she is going to take a break for 3-4 weeks starting in the second week in December....would you, based on your experience work on that now....or try and catch it on her return from break?

PS. She was flattered when I showed her your response.....and then replied "geeezzzz....how fast do you guys want me to throw the ball?" ;) "Faster.....always faster....."
Jul 17, 2012
My goal of course is to help people SEE/FEEL the difference between a "pretty good" delivery and a REAL GOOD delivery.......Maximizing the kinetic transfer into the ball...........

Here's a test.........This young lady CAN produce the spin, because as she approaches she is inside the ball.........But what could she do to IMPROVE her velocity.........AND WHY...........


Is her I/R an "ADDER"? Or a "RESTARTER".........???

And will an adjustment help her posture also??? WHY?............

Looks like a similar problem to the one I'm about to address....so I wont give away the answer....if I'm wrong...I'll have to put my dunce cap on and go back to the drawing board..... lol

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