Elbow Location

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Jun 21, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
So, just about everything I've heard and read says that elbows should be pointed downward (as in an upside-down "V") in hitting stance. Rest bat on back shoulder and lift the bat up so hands are around ear level. I took my daughter to a D I college game this weekend, and virtually every hitter on the team had their back elbow up, pointing backward, as you would more commonly see in baseball. Are there different schools of thought around this?
Sep 29, 2014
Depends about WHEN you are talking about, all the pre-swing theatrics and movement while distracting and can possibly to lead to bad habits and swing don't really mean much.

The reason they might have the bats in that position to start is they are pre-loading, in other words they don't have a big (if any) stride and are trying to get the same effect as the stride forward as you reach back that I would probably advocate. Look at your DD position at toe touch and it probably looks more like what you re describing elbow up and bat back.


Jun 11, 2015
Lots of different schools of thought on hitting. You are doing the right thing by watching top level players.
Jun 21, 2014
Philadelphia, PA
Lots of different schools of thought on hitting. You are doing the right thing by watching top level players.

Just thought it was interesting that just about the entire team was doing it. We have been teaching pre-load with elbows down. But I'm sure there are as many different philosophies as there are coached.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Just thought it was interesting that just about the entire team was doing it. We have been teaching pre-load with elbows down. But I'm sure there are as many different philosophies as there are coached.

While there are those who ''pre-load with elbows down,'' I can't think of any reason to coach that specific style into a player.
May 22, 2015
DD has been coached to keep the elbow down and forearms in an A by two hitting instructors, and a college camp. It was OK, but she swung flat and popped up quite a bit. Plus she says it just didn't feel right. Her coach was working with her on slap hitting last fall and recommended that she keep her elbow higher for slap hitting. She applied that to her normal swing and prefers to keep it up, and seems to be hitting the ball harder. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Sep 29, 2014
the elbow down upside down V and A position is perfectly OK as a starting position in the batters box, one of the biggest reasons is it keeps you relaxed.

Now once the pitcher starts her motion and the batter takes a stride and puts her front foot down there should be a transition at some point where her back elbow comes up slightly as the hands go back.

maybe [MENTION=2269]rdbass[/MENTION] could hook us up with a gif or two but they are probably in the model swing thread as well
Aug 1, 2008
the elbow down upside down V and A position is perfectly OK as a starting position in the batters box, one of the biggest reasons is it keeps you relaxed.

Now once the pitcher starts her motion and the batter takes a stride and puts her front foot down there should be a transition at some point where her back elbow comes up slightly as the hands go back.

maybe [MENTION=2269]rdbass[/MENTION] could hook us up with a gif or two but they are probably in the model swing thread as well

I like this description....also the back elbow coming up slightly will tilt that bat head to the pitcher just a touch.

Oct 19, 2009
I like to start young hitters off using the V to get and keep the hands on the bat in the proper position JMO.

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