Not squaring up the ball

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Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa

I might have been wrong about the swing time being to long. This is a better clip.


Last edited:
May 12, 2016
Sorry Shawn, I am a dummy, :). What do you mean you may have been wrong? Are you saying her swing isn't too long?

Besides all that (too much slop in her swing, swing too long ..etc), I am currently concerned about her not being able to square up the ball. Even when her timing is perfect, I find she is hitting the inside of the ball. Any idea why her head goes to side like that when she swings? I am sure that doesn't help hitting the ball square.
May 12, 2016
My apologies, it’s knee to KNOB drill. There is a video on FloSoftball “Jenn Salling Knee To Knob Drill” that gives a nice explanation but I think you have to be a member there. There are several on YouTube but they are just demonstrating not explaining.

Seems to me that when the stance gets too wide it takes the hips out of the game. She might not ever have a stride, plenty are successful without it but drills that involve a stride seem to help hitters use their lower half whether they stride or not if that makes sense. In her case it just looks like she is so wide it pinches off her upper half from working a little easier and she has to over compensate other places. Bat throwing is a way to demonstrate that to her, try to throw a bat with wide set up vs. step and throw. Also ball throwing- try throwing hard from a wide stance vs. step and throw.

I very much agree with buttermakers comment above too about starting from neck slot. We did that slightly different but same idea. Like it.

I think barrel plane/contact point will take care of itself somewhat with correct tee set up and front toss. Don’t nag it when it’s not ideal but when she hits line drives with correct trajectory notice it out loud and praise it.

Edited to add: “Mann’s bag drill” here on DFP is worth exploring too. She should be able to feel her back foot driving with that one too.

Thanks. She really liked the knob to the knee to feel the stretch and separation
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Sorry Shawn, I am a dummy, :). What do you mean you may have been wrong? Are you saying her swing isn't too long?

Besides all that (too much slop in her swing, swing too long ..etc), I am currently concerned about her not being able to square up the ball. Even when her timing is perfect, I find she is hitting the inside of the ball. Any idea why her head goes to side like that when she swings? I am sure that doesn't help hitting the ball square.

Yeah I was wrong, I don't think her swing is to long, time wise.

I'll get back to you on the rest of it.
Jan 6, 2009
Chehalis, Wa
Ok, so not squaring the ball up , might be the barrel arcing backwards to much. Some early wrist release in the swing which can cause early hinge angle to be lost.
Sep 7, 2017
Ok, so not squaring the ball up , might be the barrel arcing backwards to much. Some early wrist release in the swing which can cause early hinge angle to be lost.

Here is what I see. I see the forced tilt. Forced tilt = roll the top of the ball a lot of the time

Her hands go back at launch..then resets. Get her to torque the handle. She is turning her lower half. Spinning ..the the hands drift back and then she almost sends the barrel rearward and into her swivel. Swivel is more chopping from her. I would set a T in front of her and have her miss the higher T in the front. I would have her swing through and let the top hand go. Set a plate..Behind the plate and have her backswing touch that plate.

Neck slot will help her be quicker to the ball but I haven't really bought in to the point that it helps you feel the barrel turn.

RDBASS I like you description of swinging around..I lso like Cramerkos advise about her being to wide. To wide of a stance in any sport will hip lock you. That why I stress a shorter stride in pitching than most would. All great points. For me the focus is that barrel path!

If shes not forcing tilt then just address her balance and posture. If you are teaching a forced tilt. STOP IT!
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Feb 16, 2015
South East
Sorry Shawn, I am a dummy, :). What do you mean you may have been wrong? Are you saying her swing isn't too long?

Besides all that (too much slop in her swing, swing too long ..etc), I am currently concerned about her not being able to square up the ball. Even when her timing is perfect, I find she is hitting the inside of the ball. Any idea why her head goes to side like that when she swings? I am sure that doesn't help hitting the ball square.

WRT the bold. My DD does the same thing and depending on pitch location the severity of it will change. I have been told that it is a mobility issue with the ankle and the hip. My DD is currently in the middle of the recruiting process and I can not say for sure but I believe that this "issue" has hurt her because it is distracting and just looks bad even though all of the important stuff has already taken place. I personally do not believe that action has anything to do with their mechanics IMO.
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Sep 7, 2017
The very first thing you need to do is learn to turn the barrel....Forget EVERYTHING ELSE!

Forget the lower half for now then if you think she not turning. I see one clip that all I can go buy. You need an obstruction that will force her to change her barrel path! A wall... a second T in the front. Simply putting the bat on your deltoid ( Epstein ) or the neck slot will help but I'm not sure once you go back to your natural hand set that the problem will be fixed? I look at those type of things as a band aid IMO.

I see a lot of pvc walls but in my experiences a t in the front of the T you are hitting off does the trick. (tee in front higher )

Releasing the barrel right after contact point gives the athlete a rushed feeling...a mental boost. I have to turn this now. I have rarely seen an athlete finish in the spot your DD is finishing ( flat ) doing this drill. Mind set is Let it go and finish high! I feel that releasing the bat in the drills does may things...Helps with early roll over as well!

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