Now what? What sort of contact is okay?

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Jul 29, 2016
I'm a little confused. Starting tomorrow, if you have an underclassman, what's okay, and what isn't? Can my daughter still communicate with coaches and/or active players? Can they reply?

Can someone give me an Idiot's Guide to Underclassman Softball Recruiting?
Apr 16, 2010
Basically your DD needs to keep doing what she is doing. Keep emailing and keep letting coaches know her schedule and her interest in the school. Since coaches really weren't supposed to reply to emails before, "wink wink", nothing will change there. The biggest change is they cannot take calls from athletes prior to their Jr year. If a PSA call a coach the coach is only allowed to verify the PSA age, explain the rules, and end the call. Before coaches couldn't call the player but if a player called them they could talk all they wanted.

Travel coaches can still talk to coaches as long as it doesn't turn into an evaluation from the college coach on a players ability. The coach can say "I'm interested in Suzy" but can't say "Suzy is as the top of our list.". It sounds like they can't invite PSA's to camp now either.

My DD is lucky enough to play school ball with a former DI coaches DD. The coach is still very well connected and she told me this is the best thing that could have happened to the freshman class and lower. It will give them time to develop and will probably increase the size of some offers as they compete with other schools. Coaches will have more developed players to choose from versus trying to project a girls abilities 4 or 5 years down the road. They will also be the first group that will actually have the chance to take official visits prior to committing. She doesn't see it being a bloodbath on Sept 1st and if you don't commit we are moving on. The girls that are talented will have options and coaches will actually have to recruit them.
Jul 29, 2016
Basically your DD needs to keep doing what she is doing. Keep emailing and keep letting coaches know her schedule and her interest in the school. Since coaches really weren't supposed to reply to emails before, "wink wink", nothing will change there. The biggest change is they cannot take calls from athletes prior to their Jr year. If a PSA call a coach the coach is only allowed to verify the PSA age, explain the rules, and end the call. Before coaches couldn't call the player but if a player called them they could talk all they wanted.

Travel coaches can still talk to coaches as long as it doesn't turn into an evaluation from the college coach on a players ability. The coach can say "I'm interested in Suzy" but can't say "Suzy is as the top of our list.". It sounds like they can't invite PSA's to camp now either.

My DD is lucky enough to play school ball with a former DI coaches DD. The coach is still very well connected and she told me this is the best thing that could have happened to the freshman class and lower. It will give them time to develop and will probably increase the size of some offers as they compete with other schools. Coaches will have more developed players to choose from versus trying to project a girls abilities 4 or 5 years down the road. They will also be the first group that will actually have the chance to take official visits prior to committing. She doesn't see it being a bloodbath on Sept 1st and if you don't commit we are moving on. The girls that are talented will have options and coaches will actually have to recruit them.

Good deal.

So here's a more specific question" my daughter take batting/catching instruction from a former player of a D1 coach (who is now at another program). Can instructor whisper into D1 coach's ear? And can coach reply?

I'm not looking to work around the rules - I'm wondering what's permissible. In my scenario, instructor would likely be viewed as the player's proxy - same as if it was me or mom
Apr 16, 2013
Lots of the same questions in my head. My DD hasn't even thought about schools yet as a 2021. Her org has a big camp in July where lots of coaches, including some decent D1 schools, attend. So a coach that has a very strong interest in her can't let her know that? Can't even say to the coach, "Man, that girl looks great, we're REALLY interested in her!" ???? If my DD knew coaches had a strong interest in her, she'd be more likely to start looking at that school.
Jun 8, 2016
Lots of the same questions in my head. My DD hasn't even thought about schools yet as a 2021. Her org has a big camp in July where lots of coaches, including some decent D1 schools, attend. So a coach that has a very strong interest in her can't let her know that? Can't even say to the coach, "Man, that girl looks great, we're REALLY interested in her!" ???? If my DD knew coaches had a strong interest in her, she'd be more likely to start looking at that school.

My guess is that if a coach is really interested in a kid they will figure out some way of getting that message to them :cool:
Jan 30, 2018
SE Michigan
Good deal.

So here's a more specific question" my daughter take batting/catching instruction from a former player of a D1 coach (who is now at another program). Can instructor whisper into D1 coach's ear? And can coach reply?

I'm not looking to work around the rules - I'm wondering what's permissible. In my scenario, instructor would likely be viewed as the player's proxy - same as if it was me or mom

This is similar to our situation, but DD is only 12u so we are in no hurry. Our pitching coach is former D1 coach and well connected and talks to coaches frequently. She talks to my daughter about college, just prepping her here and there, nothing major.
Apr 16, 2010
Good deal.

So here's a more specific question" my daughter take batting/catching instruction from a former player of a D1 coach (who is now at another program). Can instructor whisper into D1 coach's ear? And can coach reply?

I'm not looking to work around the rules - I'm wondering what's permissible. In my scenario, instructor would likely be viewed as the player's proxy - same as if it was me or mom

I am sure the instructor can pass the word just as TB coaches still can. I would bet there will be some new code words used to get info out without actually saying anything. A good friend's DD is a junior at an SEC school this year. The summer before it was legal for coaches to have face to face contact off campus with her her current coach had several long conversations with her at exposures. He would tell her TB coach to have her call him. She would call him and they would sit 2' apart on the bleachers and talk on the phone. It was bending the rules but technically legal.
Nov 18, 2013
This might help.

Re: D1 players coaching/training kids nothing has changed on that front. They can still coach, share experiences and offer personal advice. They're able to tell players/trainees about their school and team, but they're not allowed to recruit. That part isn't new, but I have no idea how they distinguish between talking up your school and recruiting. If I can get any specifics from DD of what they can and can't say now I'll pass it along.
Nov 18, 2013
I am sure the instructor can pass the word just as TB coaches still can. I would bet there will be some new code words used to get info out without actually saying anything. A good friend's DD is a junior at an SEC school this year. The summer before it was legal for coaches to have face to face contact off campus with her her current coach had several long conversations with her at exposures. He would tell her TB coach to have her call him. She would call him and they would sit 2' apart on the bleachers and talk on the phone. It was bending the rules but technically legal.

I never understood that one. As long as cell phones have been around you'd think they'd update that.
Apr 16, 2013
My guess is that if a coach is really interested in a kid they will figure out some way of getting that message to them :cool:

This really sucks for the player though. We're back to morse code and trying to figure out a coach's intent vs just being told what a coach really wants. I'm perfectly fine from anything official having to wait until the desired deadline. However, the power should be in the hands of the player. If she shows interest in a school she should be allowed to show it and the coach either reciprocate or deny that interest. Doesn't seem so difficult to me.

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