Looking for drills to keep shoulder from opening up.

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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
You can't simply tell every hitter to swing "out from" and expect correct results. For certain hitters the struggle to realize 'extension away from the body', or to swing 'out from' is fierce, frustrating and requires a fundamental change in the basis of their swing approach.

Certain hitters lack a sense of 'release' ..... and it has to do with the basis of their swing.

A swing that orbits about the spine creates swing issues that make realizing “out from” difficult … or virtually impossible for the poor kids that do this. They use the muscles about their spine to create centripetal force. Their centripetal force is then maintained throughout their swing in order to keep the barrel in orbit. They swing 'around'. They have no sense of being able to "release" a centrifugal type force ... and to swing 'out from'.

The better hitters orbit the barrel around their hands. Their centripetal force is at their rear shoulder or rear side … and for them the “out from”, or centrifugal force, is felt as a simple “release” from the rear shoulder or backside, where the orbit of the barrel about the hands is continued to be maintained, and not halted simply because of the 'release' from the backside.

The feeling of a ‘release’ is important.

If you make the center of your rotation the spine, then you are going to have a difficult time ‘releasing’ from that rotation. The “out from” becomes a tough nut to crack. Extension becomes more difficult as it becomes a more ‘forced action’ than a simple ‘released action’.

If you want to feel the “release” from the rear shoulder or backside, then it only makes sense that the centripetal force be centered there. Then you swing “out from” with ease and simply learn to ‘release’.

What you make the center of your rotation makes a big difference in terms of your ability to swing “out from”.


FFS - I don't think I agree with your spine theory. You make it sound like the spine is a pole.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
FFS - I don't think I agree with your spine theory. You make it sound like the spine is a pole.

Ray, I don't consider the spine to be a pole ... but I do believe those that treat the spine as a pole will have issues.

The only way I can read TDS' post and agree with it is if I believe he advocates the "spine engine", which I believe he does.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
Basically the spine engine has a hitter leading their swing with their backside ... and it is from the backside that one 'releases' and swings 'out from'.
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Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR

You want to get that backside action leading the swing.



Mar 11, 2010

My point about the arms swinging around the spine vs spine swinging the arms.... This young girl hits with a dead spine and tries to muscle her arms around the spine. She bypasses the lateral tilt segment of the sequence. The lateral tilt needs to be a reaction to up front actions...IOW's lateral tilt can't be a conscious thought.
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Oct 10, 2011
Pacific Northwest
can anyone post a clip/clips of a batter swinging "around their body" so we can compare the correct "out froms" to the incorrect "arounds" please?

This can get sketchy.
If a ball is inside the swing is Around their body (more so), than an outside pitch, which is more Out from.
SO a video that is shot from above, would help with comparisons.
Jun 17, 2009
Portland, OR
My point about the arms swinging around the spine vs spine swinging the arms.... This young girl hits with a dead spine and tries to muscle her arms around the spine. She bypasses the lateral tilt segment of the sequence. The lateral tilt needs to be a reaction to up front actions...IOW's lateral tilt can't be a conscious thought.

This is pretty much what I thought you meant.

And yes, lateral tilt to me is a 'result' of leading the swing with the backside ... as in using the spine engine.

The swing clips that MountieSB posted looked to lack a proper usage of the backside ... they didn't create a corner ... they didn't lead with their backside ... they didn't have the spine engine engaged ... they did establish a swing that gave them the ability to 'release' and swing 'out from'.

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