Why is it important to know how fast your DD pitches?

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Apr 25, 2010
The only reason I know how fast my 11yo was throwing over the summer is that she was playing up to 14u in a rec fall ball league and another coach couldn't believe she was striking out their "just turned 15", 6' tall, 200lb catcher. So, they gunned her for the three batters it took her to retire the side. DD's PC never guns, never talks speed. And honestly, I don't care how fast she throws. If what she is throwing does that job, that's all I truly care about.
Feb 2, 2009
Why speed matters!

If your daughter wants to be looked at by a D1 school, you fastest pitch better start with a 6. Anyone who says colleges don't care about numbers is not paying attention. You can gauge yourself with other pitchers your age by your speed. For 12U the number to get to is 55, for 14U it's 60. If you have those numbers, your best pitch is a working changeup! J Finch used to use a gun a lot to see if she was pitching to her potential. If she was down in her speed, she may not have been using her legs enough, or leaning forward, or....If your daughter knows she throws fast, that boosts her confidence even more. If the team you're facing knows you're fast, the pitcher has a huge perception advantage, even before entering the circle. The more speed the nastier the movement potential, not just balls spinning a certain way that I have seen as common at lower speeds. Surprisingly, everytime I gun my daughter and other pitchers, everyone wants to know who is throwing what. Did I mention a fast pitcher's best pitch is a working change-up! Because then, whatever number you do have will look 20 mph faster to the batter when that fastball follows that change. Lastly, I believe many people don't reach their speed potential because they are told they must throw five different pitches. Master a change and you get to 16U. Master a third movement pitch of your choice, and you get to college. But, don't start that third pitch until 55.
Aug 23, 2010
You can gauge yourself with other pitchers your age by your speed. For 12U the number to get to is 55, for 14U it's 60.

Are you saying these are the averages or the top speeds? I would say 95% of the girls pitching today are below these numbers at the ages listed here.
Jan 15, 2009
IMO the number one reason to gage speed is to gage progress. Kids like to know they are getting better and like to be able to measure it. Saying speed isn't important or speed is everything needs qualification. You can't change speeds very effectively if you don't have speed to begin with and a pitcher who works with a fastball at 62, movement pitches at 58 and a 50 mph changeup can be devastating and a girl who throws a 52 mph fastball, 49 mph movement pitches and 45 mph changeup is meat.
May 18, 2009
Distance is a huge factor for speed. I was speaking to another parent last night and her DD was pitching 61-62 at 40ft. 59 at 43ft.

My thoughts on average speed for girls from what I've seen:

12U Fast balls at 48
14U Fast balls at 52
16U Fast balls at 54-56
Nov 26, 2010
If your daughter wants to be looked at by a D1 school, you fastest pitch better start with a 6. Anyone who says colleges don't care about numbers is not paying attention. You can gauge yourself with other pitchers your age by your speed. For 12U the number to get to is 55, for 14U it's 60. If you have those numbers, your best pitch is a working changeup! J Finch used to use a gun a lot to see if she was pitching to her potential. If she was down in her speed, she may not have been using her legs enough, or leaning forward, or....If your daughter knows she throws fast, that boosts her confidence even more. If the team you're facing knows you're fast, the pitcher has a huge perception advantage, even before entering the circle. The more speed the nastier the movement potential, not just balls spinning a certain way that I have seen as common at lower speeds. Surprisingly, everytime I gun my daughter and other pitchers, everyone wants to know who is throwing what. Did I mention a fast pitcher's best pitch is a working change-up! Because then, whatever number you do have will look 20 mph faster to the batter when that fastball follows that change. Lastly, I believe many people don't reach their speed potential because they are told they must throw five different pitches. Master a change and you get to 16U. Master a third movement pitch of your choice, and you get to college. But, don't start that third pitch until 55.

I know why speed matters. I want to know why knowing what that number is matters to all the other parents of pitchers.

The only number I care about for my daughter and her college future is the one that begns with a 4 and ends with a point 0
Oct 22, 2009
I think you need to think about who the question came from as well. If the guy asking you how fast your DD pitches has a DD himself that pitches, I would say he is less interested in YOUR DD's speed than he is in telling you HIS DD's speed!:p
Dec 28, 2008
The actual speed number is just a gauge to measure improvement. The spin needed for movement pitches can be learned throwing 40 mph, but the pitches aren't actually going to have much movement at that speed.
May 25, 2010
I don't know how it is in the larger leagues, but in the small-town rec leagues around here, bragging rights are everything, especially at 8u/10u.
Apr 25, 2010
I think the whole bragging rights thing is a national epidemic.

And to pitch D1, you do NOT need to have a 60 something fastball. But you WILL work into it once you get there.

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