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  1. J

    DEfense help

    So my daughter is 16 and players on a showcase team. her game is solid, great bat, smart, everything is good except for one thing, fielding. she's not really fast enough to play outfield so every coach has played her in the infield. 3rd or 2nd. She can field a ball hit to her left or right...
  2. J

    How do you increase speed

    So I want to open the discussion to How you increase your daughters speed. I have a 16yr and she is a very good travel player, one thing she lacks is speed. She not a big girl just not fast. we work on things like agility ladders, cones, sprints and she runs. Its increase a little. How do...
  3. J

    gift ideas

    So looking for some good end of season gift ideas for a 16 U travel team. Last year we made the wood home plates with team logo and players name. It will be tuff to top that. any ideas?
  4. J

    Take it to the plate

    DD is a average 14u travel player bats about 330. Here's the issue the T swing looks great but the plate swing looks awful. I tell her to take it to the plate. I know this is something she has to figure out but any advice on helping her speed that process up? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. J

    Light headed

    Need some advice. My DD from time to time feels light headed during games. She drinks water and only water all week maybe a soda once a week but mostly water. Her diet isn't the best but it's pretty awesome for a teenager. Almost no sweets turkey wraps for lunch fruit cups etc... she's had...
  6. J

    Pitching what do you see?

    Please watch the video and let me know what you think? She's 14 and has been pitching since she was 8. Hits 61 and has several pitches. A year ago she switched pitching coach's and he is all over her about the chicken wing ( bent arm). She's a resistance pitcher. When you watch top...
  7. J

    Help with swing

    Daughter is 14 and not a bad hitter. Attached is a video, please let me know what is good and bad with it. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. J

    School ball

    My DD is in 8th grade this year. She's played travel for several years but was never in the top half of the talent. Last year before school ball she was injured, went to ever practice but could not participate, released after the first week of games. Only played defense about 5 innings, and...
  9. J

    Middle school ball

    So our coach's have a strict policy that you are expected to be at the ball park for practice or games on the stated time, which I agree. The issue is they are not there. Example. Be at the park at 4:00 for a 5:00 game time. One shows up at 4:30 the other 5:00. ALL and I mean AlL the...
  10. J

    Inside pitch

    So DD has the same hitting coach as a nother player for the last 9 months. He has told my DD right handed to hit inside pitch to left side, he tells another player to hit inside up the Middle. So I call him. He says that every hitting should try and hit a inside pitch up the middle. I...
  11. J

    Attitude off the field question

    So I have a 13u travel team most of the players I have had for over a year. Some go to the same school and player basketball together. 1 player has no discipline at home and I have been able to take care of attitude issues with success with her. Great player. Basketball the other day is...
  12. J

    Front shoulder

    DD front shoulder keeps opening to early. I know that this is widely accepted to be a problem. Did some research and watched some slow mo videos of top hitters and the one thing that I noticed on a lot of them is that the front shoulder does open early and far. Is this really that big of a...
  13. J

    Hitting help

    Ok so I think sometimes a player should slow the swing down and get the feel of fixing an issue to work on mechanics. DD's hitting coach is against this and says it creates a slow game time swing. I understand if all your doing is slow but we go hard in every session that I work with her and...
  14. J

    Hitting help

    Ok my DD is 13 about to start 1st year 14u and she has had a good bat with good mechanics until about 2-3 months ago. She is driving everything to the dirt. Slow mo app shows wrist roll over and a flat swing meaning hands are not slightly above the barrel. Front shoulder does pull out a bit...
  15. J

    Team hitting

    My 12u team has a lot of potential, pitching, defense good. Hitting is so close it's not funny. The team has power and decent mechanics some better then other. Our problem is contact point. We make contact to late and drive everything to the ground. How do u correct this issue? We have...
  16. J

    Finding players

    Hey guys thought I would start a thread on what tools u use to find players or how u go about it? I've been doing this for 3 years and I have yet find a real good way to find players. I have used Facebook, Little league and word of mouth. While I also get lucky every once and while nothing...
  17. J

    Team needs motivating

    Coach's, how do you motivate your players?? So I have a 12u team and they are ok, not going to win trophy's anytime soon but can win some games. The players are lazy most of the time, sometimes they play hard just cant get them to be consistent. We have tried music, fun practices now I think...
  18. J

    Best bat?

    My DD has a old xeno and it's a good bat but it's time to upgrade. We have been looking at the worth 2legit. She's 12 and is mechanically sound on her swing. So my question is which bat do you guys recommended? and what can you tell me about the worth 2legit? Thanks
  19. J

    LLC a travel team

    Hey guys, what is involved in LLC a travel team? Any websites to check out regarding the steps? I did a search but came up dry, must not have typed in the right search words. Thanks
  20. J

    Hitting a faster pitcher

    Hey guys, we have success against average pitchers but when we face a faster pitch we are late on the swing. I know there are a lot of factors to this but does any have any drills to increase reaction time to a faster pitcher? Sometimes we will stand closer and pitch the ball in faster but...

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