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  1. S

    Burn Out for Parents

    Ok, #1. Have any of you parents had the "burned out" feeling? I feel like this Fall ball season has really taken a toll on me and my love/obsession of softball. I have been doing this for about 15 years (2 dd's) and all of a sudden this fall I just feel like I am over it. DD loves this sport...
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    14U's over what to do now???

    My DD just finished her last season as a 14U pitcher. Do most people have their daughters play 16U or 18U? If so can I get some pro's and con's
  3. S

    Who's playing ball this weekend??

    Where is everyone going this weekend? Anyone going out of town? If so what's something fun to do in that area???
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    Leg Weights?

    Pitching people--what are your thoughts on 12yo using leg weights to pitch in order to gain speed?
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    Softball Coma--Too much college ball!

    I feel like I was in a softball coma this weekend watching the Super Regionals. I DVR'd most of the games and watched the others. Not happy with the winning brackets but what ev'ssss............. Who is gonna cheer on the SEC with me??? I guess I will go for the Lady Vol's Still ticked...
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    Has anyone ever heard of a "run-in" pitch? Can you tell me about it? DD has been learning that pitch and also with a knuckle "slower velocity" version.
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    Who got sunburned this weekend???

    So we played ball this weekend and the weather was gorgeous!! On Sunday the sun was out and about and you could for sure feel the beginning of Summer approaching! I am gonna have to bust out the tank tops and flip flops next tournament, I can already see it's gonna be a HOTTTT!!!! Any...
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    When do you throw in the towel?!?

    They quit so no worries! I knew something had to give...they were causing to much drama!!! Shame shame on that momma...I blame her!
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    Who's your favorite college softball teams?

    I love to watch all the games and I DVR most of them! My fav's are: Georgia Dawgs LSU ULL Oklahoma Florida Alabama Tennessee Missouri I'm sure you can tell I'm partial to the SEC! hahahaha Who is yall's favorites???????????
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    Jennie Finch!

    I sat next to Jennie Finch at lunch today! She is so nice and her kids are so cute and well behaved. I said hello and thanked her for all she has done for the sport! I also cracked a joke and told her she has cost me thousands of dollars since the 1st time my daughter saw her pitch. She...
  11. S

    Leaning when pitching

    My 14u DD is leaning forward when she is pitching... she just came off a wrist injury (6 weeks in cast) and has started this new bad habit. I know she is suppose to stay athletic and bend in her knees but she keeps doing it in games. When she goes to PC she wasn't doing it!! Thoughts? Suggestions?

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