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  1. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    A high level swing looks a whole lot better in gifs on a messageboard than it does on a new-to-travel 10-year old. . . . and, to the previous posta: I'm not a scientist, I'm just an astute observationalist!
  2. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    That's 5 points right there for the use of the word "ancillary" in a sentence. I guess this is the Hitting Bar, where you saddle-up and snobbily talk hitting - let it fly! I understand. I may have worded things a bit confusingly, but I am not going to make any videos, so you'll just have to...
  3. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    I am talking about an ideal swing for a 10 year old fastpitch softball player, not a pro baseball player, or Lauren Chamberlain. If my kid were a little older and stronger, of course I would love for her to have a dynamic swing more like this: . . . but without the strength and heavier bat...
  4. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    JMHO, nothing I said would lead to the conclusion in bold.
  5. C

    Day 2 of Howard Kobata!

    Howard is great. Advanced stuff - a player shouldn't be doing his stuff if they don't want to be the best in the first place. Inspired by the Great Pat Riley, I typically would agree that "To the lazy, discipline will always be a nasty word!"
  6. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    This gif reinforces my quick fix recommendation of pointing the pointy bent front elbow to match ball height - simple way for a young batter to visualize getting bat on plane and at the right height, and quickly - in my experience at least. Thanks for all of the great swing examples!
  7. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    I can see what you are getting at., in terms of inward ball depth at point of contact, but the setting of the shoulder plane that I was referring to is more in terms of contacting the ball square, or avoiding off-hitting the ball. A dipping shoulder will invariably lead to off-hit balls. I...
  8. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    I don't think that is even possible, with a lagging, whipping bat trailing the hands. Also, I believe PU/PD is more in relation to the bat plane itself (vs. in relation to the ground), and I believe this is directly converse to the idea of the hands rolling over. Have you ever employed a Zepp...
  9. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    Lateral tilt would occur AFTER the avoidance of the shoulder drop - per your many gifs. You want to avoid shoulder dipping BEFORE you begin rotating the shoulders. In those gifs, the shoulder plane is indeed maintained until the time that shoulder rotation begins, at which time the "lateral...
  10. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    yep. exactly EDIT: I answered too quickly here, and I have since clarified this below. I believe it is in relation to the batpath, not ground.
  11. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    I thought that way at first as well, as we were doing a more baseball-type, striding swing which finished with the rotating hip pulling back foot forward, toe-down and dragging, however many aspects of this current method were encouraged by another highly-regarded scholarship swing-builder from...
  12. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    True on both fronts. Just because the rear elbow "pushes" out, it does not preclude the loaded, lagging bat from whipping out from that tight triangle via the PU/PD wrists. . . . not saying anyone should break anything down to the bare minimum and undergo a 2-month (minimum) complete...
  13. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    Once you correct the drooping back shoulder, swing plane will be fixed. Also, if you are going to learn the negative move, you might as well try this (the Full Boat lol, with a couple nice tricks thrown in): 1. Get your feet a bit wider than shoulder width, feet pointed toward plate. 2. Bend...
  14. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    BTW, good tip to keep that back shoulder from falling is to line up a kitchen/dining room table chair (they have tall backs) just behind the plate (about 2 feet behind the pointed tip of home plate), with seat area facing backward toward where ump would be. If that shoulder drops, you will know...
  15. C

    Needing some help (10u Swing)

    That is a perfect gif! I meant to have the batter envision the top hand as having a string tied to the front hip. And I said "try to raise the back elbow while simultaneously bringing the top/back hand (i.e. hip-string-hand) down diagonally", with an emphasis on the word "try", because it is...

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