Information Overload

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Jan 24, 2011
Do any of you dads or coaches out there suffer from information overload when it comes to hitting mechanics? I know I sure do. I read a lot on this site and recently , I have joined several of the other sites that are referenced from time to time. There is so much info out there and debate ( or , I might say "Mine is bigger than yours.....") that my brain almost explodes trying to figure out what I actually see and believe. I try to pick out certain things and focus on that aspect. In general , which expert/camp do most of you agree with most and why? (Please , no peeing matches if you choose to answer. Can even PM me if you would rather).


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
The Hanson Principle (… the one to use)
“Always compare what anybody tells you about the swing to slow motion clips of the best hitters in the world”.
-- Mark Hanson
May 17, 2012
Agreed. I often wonder about the law of diminishing returns in some of the hitting threads. After seeing so many "bad" swings be successful in softball I often debate on what the focus should be.

One would think that everyone would agree on the core movements that should be taught to a 10U. I would love to see that discussion.
Jan 24, 2011
The Hanson Principle (… the one to use)
“Always compare what anybody tells you about the swing to slow motion clips of the best hitters in the world”.
-- Mark Hanson

Not what I asked. I understand this principle. But , I have also seen quite frequently that two "experts" can look at the the same video and come to two totally different conclusions. I am asking , in general , which posters to do you follow the most closely for advice that you trust? Not every dad or coach out there has unlimited number of hours to study video. They need a "go to" guy.
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Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Agreed. I often wonder about the law of diminishing returns in some of the hitting threads. After seeing so many "bad" swings be successful in softball I often debate on what the focus should be.

One would think that everyone would agree on the core movements that should be taught to a 10U. I would love to see that discussion.

Good idea.
Jan 18, 2010
In your face
Don't worry Cyclone, I can't keep up with the hitting threads either. Too technical for this old guy to keep up with. I do enjoy when they speak in simple terms, they have good ideas and make good sense. For me I'd rather take the time to work mentally with my hitters as oppose to explain to them the bone and ligament limitations in their swing.

Two of my long time girls.

First one has never been to a HC, average swing. She hit 11 HR's this season and had .405 BA. 5'7 150.

Second did go to HC, beautiful swing and her father has his own batting cage in the backyard. They work almost everyday. She hit 3 HR's last season and had a .405 BA. 5'5 145

But they are both super smart in the box. That is their key to success more than the mechanics. Their post season article 2012 in the paper............
Jan 24, 2011
GD - I also believe that "See it , hit" is a great plan for above average athletes. I am pretty much just asking who most would look to on here (or other hitting forum) for advice for mechanics. Who is their "go to" poster/expert


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
I can get something from everyone....ok not everyone. I will pm you, but might not be until tonight.

I will say this is my flow chart:

#1 you can and will show me someone you taught to do what your talking about.

> #2 you can show me someone successful doing what you are talking about.
#3 (a low #3) you will explain exactly what you are talking about and why.

If they expect people to "believe" because they say so, or because they say that experts say so....then carry on.
May 4, 2012
In the same boat - pretty frustrating, so you have to read what everyone says then go out and try it out for yourself (if it works then teach it to your daughter)- guys on the net that I pay attention to these days are bobby tewksbary, teacherman (hitting illustrated) and powertoallfields/son cheyenne (on baseball debate). And they probably all disagree with each other on some aspect or another - to make it even easier on ya - ha!
Jan 24, 2011
In the same boat - pretty frustrating, so you have to read what everyone says then go out and try it out for yourself (if it works then teach it to your daughter)- guys on the net that I pay attention to these days are bobby tewksbary, teacherman (hitting illustrated) and powertoallfields/son cheyenne (on baseball debate). And they probably all disagree with each other on some aspect or another - to make it even easier on ya - ha!

Thanks for the response. This is kinda what I am looking for. :)

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